quarter questionabout the georgia state quarter being worth

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quarter questionabout the georgia state quarter being worth

Postby okjdawg » Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:15 pm

ive heard rumors that the georgia state quarter is worth more than the others can anyone confirm this or tell me its a hoax because since ive heard that ive been saving them like crazy any help is appreciated
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Re: quarter questionabout the georgia state quarter being wo

Postby Z00 » Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:49 pm

Type: Georgia State Quarter
Year: 1999
Mint Mark: P
Face Value: 0.25 USD
Total Produced: 451,188,000 [?]
Silver Content: 0%
Numismatic Value: 55 cents to $3.5
Value: As a rough estimate of this coins value you can assume this coin in poor condition will be valued at somewhere around 55 cents, while one in "great" shape can bring $3.5. This price does not reference any standard coin grading scale. So when we say poor, we mean worn more than would be expected from a coin in this age, and great meaning it looks "great" relative to other coins of the same age.

http://cointrackers.com/coins/1150/1999 ... te-quarter

Take it for what you think it is worth.
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