Re: States Seek Currencies Made Of Gold and Silver
Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:51 pm
by baggerman
Some of the comments being made show just how clueless people really are.
Re: States Seek Currencies Made Of Gold and Silver
Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:21 pm
by mbailey1234
I am for this to some extent but one concern I would have right off is what cost would be involved to produce the currency, who would make it, and would it be good enough quality to be difficult to counterfeit it?
I also like the idea of having an account with "gold value" in it that fluctuates as the gold price does and having a debit card to use to spend out of the account. This would be a great way to protect the value of your account against the dollar anyway. At first thought, it would also be easier for everyone to use than just the citizens of one state or jurisdiction.
I bet the Fed's will throw one hell of a fit to stop this concept dead in it's tracks!