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Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:19 pm
by mbailey1234
Got a lead on 50 2006 1/10th oz AGE's that are still in the mint tube through one of my dad's buddies. He mentioned Kitco ask price + 5% ($1813.25/oz) was his asking price. Compared to all the online sites, that seems like it's pretty fair.

What kind of premium are fractional's really worth? I know they cost more when you buy from most dealers but is this premium recoverable when you sell them? If I could get 1/10 oz for the same price per oz as the 1 oz I probably wouldn't buy anything but fractional's.

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:24 pm
by 68Camaro
That's a great deal...

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:28 pm
by 68Camaro
68Camaro wrote:That's a great deal...

Let me know if you want to split this up, I'll take a few of those at that price. :)

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:33 pm
by misteroman
Id take some as well

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:35 pm
by mbailey1234
I was considering dollar cost averaging but it looked like the price was right in there so if I do this, you can about bet gold will fall like a rock next week.

What's typical (how much over spot) for this size? I believe I saw a few listed in the BIN section for $179 each if Ray hasn't bought them all yet! ;)

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:41 pm
by Double3
A good price is $15 over to your door.

That is a really good price.

The ones you saw for $179 were from a couple weeks ago. Spot was lower.

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:19 pm
by mnymgr1
Not sure if that is a good/great price but I'd add, kitco's buy price will take a week or two for your dad's buddy to get his money.
Offer him 1% over in cash, let him smell those crisp new $100's in your hands, and you might get an even better deal.
His coins could be lost in the mail, your cash should not get lost when placing it in his hands.
Get greedy man ! In a nice polite, let's have a frosty adult beverage after we conclude business.

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:05 am
by jasmatk
Good deal,go get them if you have not allready.

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:28 pm
by agmoose
mnymgr1 wrote:Not sure if that is a good/great price but I'd add, kitco's buy price will take a week or two for your dad's buddy to get his money.
Offer him 1% over in cash, let him smell those crisp new $100's in your hands, and you might get an even better deal.
His coins could be lost in the mail, your cash should not get lost when placing it in his hands.
Get greedy man ! In a nice polite, let's have a frosty adult beverage after we conclude business.

I was thinking along the same lines here, offering 2% in cash - showing him the stack of Benjamins.........

I'm a cash purchaser as much as possible, and always haggle on bigger ticket items, especially at retail places like Best Buy, Home Depot, etc.

I bet if you offer 2% immediate sale vs. the waiting game cash price from Kitco, he'll jump. It is worth a shot, but don't blow the deal over it. Maybe he'll counter offer to never know. Good luck and congrats on a great deal even at 5%.

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:13 pm
by mbailey1234
I may have made it sound like he was considering selling to Kitco, which he IS NOT. I think they gave him the run around on something so that's why he is wanting to try and sell privately. Tulving has the best buy price I can find and will pay 8% over and they pay the shipping to them, but you have to send a minimum on 100 in the 1/10th size to qualify.
They also cut you check which he isn't wanting. Cash only! I'm not sure what he paid for them but If it was in 2006 he has done well on the investment and has no plans of Uncle Sam seeing any of it! I told him I would let him know after the Super Bowl was over but I am planning on presenting a stack of $100 bills in the morning and get it done!

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:54 pm
by mbailey1234
Well, since gold was down a little today I got the deal pulled off for 90 $100 bills! :D

On a separate note though, I was very disgusted with my credit union today. They wouldn't let me withdraw more than $5000 in cash since "their delivery truck doesn't come until Friday." They said this is very uncommon and "not safe" to have that much cash on hand and most people would get a cashiers check, which was free so that makes it all better. WTF is wrong with this besides everything? I had to go to another bank in town that I have an account with and write myself a check for the other $4k to get enough cash.

I have read where if the public ever makes a "run" on a banks vault that there wouldn't be enough to go around. Guess this kind of proves it!

Other than that, I am happy with my purchase. The ironic thing is that the credit union that wouldn't give me the cash is probably the place that I will store the coins in a safe deposit box! :o Call me a sheeple I guess ;)

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:09 pm
by Engineer
mbailey1234 wrote:Well, since gold was down a little today I got the deal pulled off for 90 $100 bills! :D

On a separate note though, I was very disgusted with my credit union today. They wouldn't let me withdraw more than $5000 in cash since "their delivery truck doesn't come until Friday." They said this is very uncommon and "not safe" to have that much cash on hand and most people would get a cashiers check, which was free so that makes it all better. WTF is wrong with this besides everything? I had to go to another bank in town that I have an account with and write myself a check for the other $4k to get enough cash.

I had the same trouble with my CU trying to get cash out for a vehicle purchase.

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:41 am
by mflugher
Most bank branches only have about 100k on hand on a really stocked day... 50k is more average. My bank used to get pissed when I would ask for $4500 every other day as a change order for my store. I explained that I would need that every other day and I coudln't call 3 days ahead of time for what is day to day business for me, they adjusted their cash stocks and we are getting along fine.

Re: Fair price for fractional's?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:13 pm
by SilverStateGOP
mbailey1234 wrote:Well, since gold was down a little today I got the deal pulled off for 90 $100 bills! :D

On a separate note though, I was very disgusted with my credit union today. They wouldn't let me withdraw more than $5000 in cash since "their delivery truck doesn't come until Friday." They said this is very uncommon and "not safe" to have that much cash on hand and most people would get a cashiers check, which was free so that makes it all better. WTF is wrong with this besides everything? I had to go to another bank in town that I have an account with and write myself a check for the other $4k to get enough cash.

I have read where if the public ever makes a "run" on a banks vault that there wouldn't be enough to go around. Guess this kind of proves it!

Other than that, I am happy with my purchase. The ironic thing is that the credit union that wouldn't give me the cash is probably the place that I will store the coins in a safe deposit box! :o Call me a sheeple I guess ;)

My grandfather lived through the Depression. He told me (often) that a bank with lots of teller positions was simply in preparation, long term. "If there's a run, even the old farts in the back will get into teller spots, shovel out all cash on hand, and close as fast as they can."

That good and wise old man.

Back onto point, though...simply put, frac bullion appeals, but the premiums are murderous. Buying from other stackers an ounce here and/or there has been my means for the time being. Rather be buying from the mints...Lydian for example. The actual metal isn't the problem, it's the double fee, per coin and then shipping, that is a deal kill. I don't mind shipping, it's PODB. And the per-coin really isnt that onerous either. Together, though... dealkill.

GSM is not so bad, but the 100 ounce minimum closes me out. Others, like Monarch, will require further research. Long waits from other mints ("but for a -nominal- fee you can go to out website at") ... are they so arrogant as to think one may only come to their places?

just my 0.0228 gm Ag (two bits).