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Competition searching for dimes
Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:10 am
by AgCollector
I've been searching halves for a while for silver and am used to some competition there, but recently I've been amazed at how many banks I go to that say someone is also asking for dimes, ordering dimes, etc. One place even had someone's returns, where they were paper NF String wrappers that were unrolled on one end and then rerolled. Anyone else notice this? Or, if you live in the Portland, Maine area want to admit it's you?!
Re: Competition searching for dimes
Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:47 am
by PreservingThePast
AgCollector wrote:I've been searching halves for a while for silver and am used to some competition there, but recently I've been amazed at how many banks I go to that say someone is also asking for dimes, ordering dimes, etc. One place even had someone's returns, where they were paper NF String wrappers that were unrolled on one end and then rerolled. Anyone else notice this? Or, if you live in the Portland, Maine area want to admit it's you?!
I'm in Florida, so it wasn't me. However, I, too, an noticing all denominations of coins being searched in my area by others and me getting their leftovers much more frequently now.
Enjoy your coin searches, everyone.
Re: Competition searching for dimes
Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:58 pm
by chris6084
I do a lot of nickels, and had a bank talk about other sorters. The teller seemed suspicious. She said, "OK, what is going on with nickels? I have had a lot of people coming in lately buying large amounts of nickels. Is there something valuable I should be looking for?" She seemed hesitant to sell me the box.
Re: Competition searching for dimes
Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:42 pm
by Pennysaved
I know at one of my dumb banks they said they have a teller that sorts for silver dimes.
Definitely will leave that bank a dump bank; he probably buys all their good stuff.
Re: Competition searching for dimes
Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:18 pm
by agmoose
Today I got $50 in pennies, told it was CWR. Yep - all zinc. Well - probably - I opened 4 rolls - all zinc - took them to another bank and exchanged for sealed brinks boxes.
Halves are TOUGH here (FL) - I only do CWR dimes...........
Re: Competition searching for dimes
Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:25 am
by fb101
The competition in all categories is heading upward.
Suddenly, I noticed there's almost a dozen in the philly suburbs.
And If I know there's that many, I know there's four times that many.
Re: Competition searching for dimes
Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:47 pm
by AgCollector
fb101 wrote:The competition in all categories is heading upward....
PreservingThePast wrote:However, I, too, an noticing all denominations of coins being searched in my area by others and me getting their leftovers much more frequently now.
Enjoy your coin searches, everyone.
I guess that's the bottom line I take from all this - enjoy it while you can!
Re: Competition searching for dimes
Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:17 am
by johnbrickner
I live in a smaller rural area. Two "local" banks only. I have my favorite teller (holds silver for me from other customers) at the "big" one where I get string boxes of nickels and pennies, the little bank is the dump for these and I get brinks boxes of "silver" from this one. Currently, I have no competition and people are still unloading their CWRs towards the end of the month but not as much as earlier in the "recession". That's the report from rural upstate central NY.
Re: Competition searching for dimes
Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:51 am
by JobIII
I'm not that far from you AG and that's exactly how i return them. But i'm certain it's not me since i'm not exactly in your area.
I recently had a couple of boxes of halves delivered to my bank that were brinks boxes instead of nf string and they had all been searched. THe boxes were open and the silver count had actually been tallied on the tops of each box. Luckily that's the only case in which i've knowingly picked up someone else's dump.
I haven't seen much in the way of dime searching, but i try to avoid using a coin counter for dimes.
Even with the potential for competition and the already low rate of silver finds in my area, i'm still holding off from switching back to pennies.
Re: Competition searching for dimes
Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:26 pm
by twentybux
AgCollector wrote:I've been searching halves for a while for silver and am used to some competition there, but recently I've been amazed at how many banks I go to that say someone is also asking for dimes, ordering dimes, etc. One place even had someone's returns, where they were paper NF String wrappers that were unrolled on one end and then rerolled. Anyone else notice this? Or, if you live in the Portland, Maine area want to admit it's you?!
Not me unless they just moved Maine to the Midwest and no one told me.
Yeah, seems that even more folks are getting into this. The bank I have been ordering halves from for some time stated that more and more folks are coming in asking for rolls. What these folks don't realize is that this bank will let you order halves if you are a customer. These "new folks" are taking rolls from my source bank one or two rolls at a time while I am pulling out $1K of halves from the bank's vault when I walk in. Oh well. What they don't know won't hurt them. Get em while you can!