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question about half dollar rolls

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:29 am
by lance
I got some rolls from my bank yesterday and after i bought them they said i could not bring them back there because most of the people that want half dollars want them in the fed rolls and not the bank rolls...can anyone tell me the reasoning of this? Would i have a better chance finding silver in the fed rolls?

Re: question about half dollar rolls

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:01 pm
by kidman232
no you probably have better luck with customer wrapped rolls as opposed to federal rolls. but you should also not be dumping your half dollars back at the same bank you pick them up at.

Re: question about half dollar rolls

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:42 pm
by Bluegill
Rule # 1 - Never dump at the same bank branch you buy at.

Rule # 2 - Re-read rule # 1.

As far as which has a better chance at finding Ag, it depends. What may work better in one region may not work in another region. Be leary of people who give an answer as if it is the final definitive rule of the universe.

Everything will have an influence.

Coin velocity. Do you live in an area with lots of commerce, or a small sleepy town with few banks that move little coin.

Demographics. Do you live in a area with younger families who don't even know what Ag is or lots of older retirees with mason jars full of Walkers.

Number of institutions that have lobby coin counters in your area. The Ag that gets dumped in there will end up in Brinks or CWI rolls versus CWR at the tellers station.

My examples may be broad and extreme, but you get the point.

Re: question about half dollar rolls

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:10 pm
by Saabman
If I could add to Bluegill.......

Rule #3 Never mention the "S" word to the tellers. If you do, you've just added competition.....

Re: question about half dollar rolls

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:17 pm
by lance
I do know not to dump at the same bank i buy from...common sense for me...i guess i was just curious why the teller said "the collectors" prefer the fed i took that as..dont bring them back here because then they would be bank rolled and the "collectors" who buy the half dollars wouldnt want those ones...i guess when she said collectors i took that as people looking for silver...but i was a lil shocked because i figured there wouldnt be any ag in fed wrapped rolls...unless im wrong

Re: question about half dollar rolls

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 6:01 pm
by lance
I just bought $300 loose from a credit union...only found 1 40...and then decided to try 5 fed rolls and found nothing...grrr...

Re: question about half dollar rolls

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 6:18 pm
by fb101
lance wrote:I just bought $300 loose from a credit union...only found 1 40...and then decided to try 5 fed rolls and found nothing...grrr...

Your sample size is too small.
Some people have been known to do 3600 rolls a month.

1st; you're late to the game, so be prepared to work a little harder for it.
2nd;Get used to getting skunked. It happens to everyone, some people a lot.
3rd;As HoardCopperByTheTon says, "If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more"
4th;If it were easy, more people would do it, and it would become difficult.
5th; You'll have to keep trying more and more to find out what works in your area. If you ask about your area in a general way, you may get some specific advice.
Last: Best of luck to you

Re: question about half dollar rolls

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 6:37 pm
by lance
Thanks for the advice...hopefully as time goes on i develop some new "techniques". I have a tenant i rent to and she works at a small fifth third bank...and i have spread the word to her about keeping her eyes open...i was also thinking of seeing if she would pay me in a boxs of halves since she has access to that...well see!