Yale Tuition Measured in Gold
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:38 pm
I just submitted this for inclusion on Coinflation.
Apparently, a Yale tuition would cost the equivalent of 100 grams of gold in the year 1900. At the current price of gold, the same amount would almost cover tuition today.
The accompanying chart shows that there has been some fluctuation, but it is neat to think about how the PM has held its value for the same goods and services. Sort of like how someone mentioned that in 1964 a quarter would buy a gallon or two of gas, and today the same 1964 quarter can do almost the same.
http://www.theatlantic.com/business/arc ... 00/253873/
Apparently, a Yale tuition would cost the equivalent of 100 grams of gold in the year 1900. At the current price of gold, the same amount would almost cover tuition today.
The accompanying chart shows that there has been some fluctuation, but it is neat to think about how the PM has held its value for the same goods and services. Sort of like how someone mentioned that in 1964 a quarter would buy a gallon or two of gas, and today the same 1964 quarter can do almost the same.
http://www.theatlantic.com/business/arc ... 00/253873/