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Shipping One Coin?
Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:25 pm
by avidbrandy
Has anyone here shipped individual coins through USPS? Like a single silver quarter, what is the best way? Should I just stick a thin layer of bubble wrap around it an put it in a regular letter?
Re: Shipping One Coin?
Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:34 pm
by natsb88
You can get away with small thin coins in standard envelopes if you pack them properly. Secure the coin to a thin piece of cardboard roughly the same size as the envelope (like from a cereal box) so it stays centered (I usually put it in a small plastic bag and tape that to the cardboard). Then cut another piece of cardboard the same size as the envelope to place on the other side of the coin, or better yet, cut a larger piece that you can fold in half and sandwich the piece that has the coin attached. Then I usually fold a standard piece of paper like a letter and wrap it around the cardboard to hold it all together. The idea is to prevent the coin from poking through the envelope if/when it runs through sorting machines.
Add $0.20 in extra postage and mark it "non-machinable" or "do not bend" to hopefully keep it out of the coin-eating machines.
Re: Shipping One Coin?
Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:35 pm
by avidbrandy
Awesome, that's what I was looking for. Thank you very much.
Re: Shipping One Coin?
Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:44 pm
by Rosco
It works well as Nate's
coins come thru with out problems
Re: Shipping One Coin?
Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:05 pm
by creshka46
I mailed two 1oz rounds wrapped in a sheet of paper and in a plain old envelope. Probably a little risky but they made it ok.
Re: Shipping One Coin?
Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:13 pm
by Z00
Got some leftover holiday greeting cards and envelopes? Stick the coin in a glassine envelope and tape it inside.
Re: Shipping One Coin?
Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:26 am
by fansubs_ca
I've received payments in the mail that included coins so it seems OK if it's just
one or a few, the cardboard on both sides seems like a good idea though.
Re: Shipping One Coin?
Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:37 pm
by Pachucko
creshka46 wrote:I mailed two 1oz rounds wrapped in a sheet of paper and in a plain old envelope. Probably a little risky but they made it ok.
It is risky. Those mail-sorting machines will squeeze the coins right out. Go with the cardboard suggested above.