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PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:54 pm
by NHsorter
Here is a spot for everyone to vent about tax season.

I feel the need to piss and moan about the current PM buying opportunity and my inability to partake in it. Tax season is nearing, and it is not looking good. I am going to have a crushing bill to pay this year and you guys are likely to see some silver for sale in the coming weeks if it is as bad as I think. Uncle obummer's IRS does not care that I don't have the cash to fork over. It's all in receivables and inventory, but I guess that makes me ultra rich so yay! I am hoping to find some non PM liquid assets that I can unload. It would suck to have to sell on a dip like this to pay the tax man.

There, I think I feel a little better now. And a big funk u to all you guys looking forward to spending your tax refunds on PM's! :D

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:08 pm
by fasteddy
NHsorter wrote:funk u
were you listening to Uncle Ted's "Funk U" when you posted?

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:25 pm
by barrytrot
My accountant just sent me our finished returns and I was very pleased. It was on the low side of the additional funding we need to do.

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:35 pm
by Engineer
There's good and bad in everything. I took advantage of other people having money to get rid of a motorcycle at a price nobody would pay last fall. $4K checks to a lot of people means its a great time to sell stuff for $4K...which you can use to buy their PMs later on in the year. ;)

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:40 pm
by dakota1955
I 'll be waiting for the PM to be coming.

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:48 pm
by BamaJoe
Boy does this hit a sore spot with me. Those that receive WIC, food stamps, free cell phones, subsubdized (or free) housing, etc., etc., and etc. (the list is unending) are THIEVES pure and simple. I and many or you are being robbed and the stolen funds are being given to them. I consider them all scum and have more respect for someone that would walk up to me and rob me at gunpoint in person - at least that person isn't a coward in addition to being a thief.

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:38 pm
by Cent1225
BamaJoe wrote: I consider them all scum and have more respect for someone that would walk up to me and rob me at gunpoint in person - at least that person isn't a coward in addition to being a thief.

At least after the gunsmoke clears, you can claim self defense. Cant do that with the many of the food stamp scammers. They just hide in the shadows and pick your pockets.

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:41 pm
by aloneibreak
BamaJoe wrote:Boy does this hit a sore spot with me. Those that receive WIC, food stamps, free cell phones, subsubdized (or free) housing, etc., etc., and etc. (the list is unending) are THIEVES pure and simple. I and many or you are being robbed and the stolen funds are being given to them. I consider them all scum and have more respect for someone that would walk up to me and rob me at gunpoint in person - at least that person isn't a coward in addition to being a thief.

ive read your thoughts on this matter before BamaJoe -- i think youre spot on

wish we had more on this forum that felt that way...

i have to pay in this year as usual - mostly due to my employer not wanting to hold enough out

i try to save along the way -- seems im always short when the time comes though...

ive got relation that receives all the above mentioned things then blows their refund on t.v.'s and snowmobiles and drink and ..... i better quit before my blood pressure rises :x

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:28 pm
by rexmerdinus
I had to pay in this year, both to the state and the Feds, but this was unusual and was due to a class-action settlement I received from my previous employer. With a baby on the way, next year's return will be awesome!

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:35 pm
by beauanderos
BamaJoe wrote:Boy does this hit a sore spot with me. Those that receive WIC, food stamps, free cell phones, subsubdized (or free) housing, etc., etc., and etc. (the list is unending) are THIEVES pure and simple. I and many or you are being robbed and the stolen funds are being given to them. I consider them all scum and have more respect for someone that would walk up to me and rob me at gunpoint in person - at least that person isn't a coward in addition to being a thief.

Don't hold back... tell us how you really feel :lol: I read something the other day... that most working people with moderate incomes, able to afford a middle class lifestyle, are gravitating towards the Republican party. Duh, there's a no-brainer for you. Hmmm, which party to pick? I work hard for my money... so I should register with the party that will ensure entitlements to everyone who didn't earn them. :evil:

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:51 pm
by lance
BamaJoe wrote:Boy does this hit a sore spot with me. Those that receive WIC, food stamps, free cell phones, subsubdized (or free) housing, etc., etc., and etc. (the list is unending) are THIEVES pure and simple. I and many or you are being robbed and the stolen funds are being given to them. I consider them all scum and have more respect for someone that would walk up to me and rob me at gunpoint in person - at least that person isn't a coward in addition to being a thief.

Dont get me fiance is 30yrs old and has a supervisor position in dietary at a hospital and she makes less than 15 a hour and has 2 boys...on a serious note she would be better off on food stamps and unemployment.etc...its absolutely pathetic...shes tried to get some type of assistance and because she owns her own house she got your telling me if your a lazy piece of [shucks] you can get all the help in the world but if your trying to survive you cant get jackshit. [fluff] this country

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:55 pm
by lance
And i work for the state in the mental health field and gov. Quinn has completely screwed us on our raise we were suppose to get a year ago...our union is "negotiating" our new contract but how can you do that when the govt hasnt abided by the old contract?! Sorry just need to vent...tired of the middleclass getting screwed...sooner or later its gonna be rich and middleclass

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:34 pm
by fb101
sooner. real sooner.

Re: PM Dip & Tax Season

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:27 am
by Oakair
BamaJoe wrote:Boy does this hit a sore spot with me. Those that receive WIC, food stamps, free cell phones, subsubdized (or free) housing, etc., etc., and etc. (the list is unending) are THIEVES pure and simple. I and many or you are being robbed and the stolen funds are being given to them. I consider them all scum and have more respect for someone that would walk up to me and rob me at gunpoint in person - at least that person isn't a coward in addition to being a thief.

I disagree. We should all be given free private property at the heart of the matter (modified Marxism?)

But at the realistic level, its the conditions in which these people are placed which make it otherwise impossible for them to live decently: social conditions in almost every case supersede individual 'shortcomings' when it comes to the inequality which directly leads to the use of the social safety net (the efficacy of which is another discussion)

Either way, not wanting to start anything, just making my position known :)