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Where is China investing?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:30 pm
by Cent1225
I receive a daily investment newsletter. Here is a summary exerpt from some of today's news:

Lei Mu, executive director of China Development Bank International, recently told attendees at the Mines & Money conference: When asked in which countries and sectors his bank will invest during 2012… Lei Mu's answer was general… Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Africa are his favorite areas for investment. And he said he focuses on products China needs – precious metals, iron ore, coal, copper, and nickel.

Note the first item on the list of assets… precious metals!

Re: Where is China investing?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:35 pm
by John_doe
I know they WERE investing in italian bonds (which I think they have dumped), and more recently rare earths.

Re: Where is China investing?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:48 pm
by everything
In their people. They still have rare earth metals market cornered, or did.

Re: Where is China investing?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:31 am
by penny pretty
china controls the rare earths.they just allowed citizens to own PMs in 2011. the silver panda has a HUGE premium.they are also buying up farmland abroad to feed the population. a book has been out that I recommend- when china rules the world-it makes ya want to learn mandarin...