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Must Hear Jim Sinclair Interview on King World News

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 4:28 pm
by camtender
Talks about the Petro Dollar and the Settlement System, good info ... clair.html

Re: Must Hear Jim Sinclair Interview on King World News

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:47 pm
by Lemon Thrower
getting kicked out of the swift system makes their currency an island. it is almost a complete blockade.

this is very similar although more severe to what we did to Japan to provoke pearl harbor.

its also a resort to a sort of weapon that has innocent third parties such as india or brazil, not to mention china and russia who are more directly affected, thinking that we have to be stopped. i think sinclair is spot on when he says retaliation will come when it is most favorable to those retaliating - will be economic.

i also think the PTB are trying to provoke a war with iran.