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I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:11 pm
by justj2k78
Today marks one year since I jumped into silver. I found Realcent several weeks before - I was reading on a stocks and bonds site, and someone commented that they got a check from Vanguard for $0.01. Someone piped in that if it was a copper cent, it was more like $0.02, and it gets fuzzy there, but somehow that translated into me finding this site. I sorted pennies for a couple of months... a box here and there, and I ended up with a cat litter jug of copper that I'm afraid to lift.

But the PM bug had bitten, and I started to pay attention to the Silver and Gold Forum. Finally one day, armed with $50, I went looking for someone to sell me silver. TxBullion showed up, and offered me an ASE, a 90% half, and a 1-gram A&M bar. I took that deal and started stacking, and I've added in fits and spurts, always in small amounts, ever since.

One year into my silver adventure, I'm enjoying the ride. I'm not a SHTF kinda guy. I still invest in stocks and bonds. But I also have a place in my portfolio for silver and gold. I really enjoy the diversity of silver, though I tend to inhabit a fairly narrow region. After exclusively collecting ASEs for a while, I've broadened my horizons somewhat, but still keep to government issue .999, with a HEAVY tilt towards ASEs. I don't like generics. Personal preference, there's nothing wrong with them.

I really didn't pay attention to the size of my stack once I hit about 15 ounces, I just kept chucking them in with the rest, occasionally removing a few for trades, but never counting. About the time I figured I must have close to 60 or so ounces, I decided to count, and my jaw hit the floor. I had severely underestimated the power of small amounts adding up.

So my advice to anyone who's just getting started - or even just lurking - get started! Find something that interests you - .35, .40. .90, .925, .999; coins, rounds, bars, ingots, jewelry, silverware - find a specialty, or get one of everything. But buy something. Buy it regularly. People are going to freak out and talk about $50/oz silver every time the market goes up a dollar. Just the same, people are going to freak out and talk about $15 silver every time silver goes down a dollar. Now, I've only been at this a year, but so far, they've never been right, so I tune out the noise, and buy on a regular basis. I don't try to call peaks, I don't try to call valleys, I don't know and anyone who claims to needs medication. So just buy. Buy on a regular basis, and a fixed amount. If it's $50 a week, so what? That adds up! in 5 years, you'd have 261 ounces. Sometimes its easy to get overwhelmed by people conducting multi-thousand dollar deals. Just stay steady, I know who I am, I know how I stack, and I'll continue to nibble around the edges, but in the end, eat well.

So I thank you for one year. TxBullion, I thank you for getting me started, I still have the ASE! I've learned so much in one year, and I know there's still so much more to learn. I plan to be around for the long haul! :mrgreen:

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:19 pm
by baggerman
And you are way ahead of most folks in this country Congrats!

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:21 pm
by OneBiteAtATime
;) Nice.... sounds familiar.

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:30 pm
by TXBullion
We are glad to have you here j. Would not be the same without you

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:20 pm
by rsk1963
OneBiteAtATime wrote:;) Nice.... sounds familiar.


Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:04 pm
by Rosco
Two to 2 1/2 years an mostly small deals but I feel a lot better. We are also prepping some.
At 74 an 80 we can not pack an hump to safety but will drive as far as we can in Motor Home an have a destination now also :)
Planing for Power out or Flooding or Earthquake are realistic needs to be ready for.
Could be a few Zombies also :roll: Throwing Silver at them could make a difference If its cast an loaded :P

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:45 pm
by merchoarder
Great post J!!! Im very similar too you, always had an interest in coins but just started stacking (and found this site) roughly a year ago. I'm not buying any monster boxes but as you say, it adds up faster than you think. Especially with the help and kindness of the realcent community. It's a great message for newcomers and young kids, budget what you can and buy PM's. You really can't go wrong and us stackers will be better off in the future. I'm not really a SHTF kinda guy either, more of a "this is my retirement plan" kinda guy so I'm in it for the long haul. BUT, if TS does HTF, at least I have silver! Again, great message, you really can't go wrong!

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:23 am
by Nickelmeister
Reading the original poster's story has made me reminisce about my own...

It’s been about four years now since I discovered Realcent. Back then it was the classic Forumco version with its rudimentary design. Like most of us, I lurked for a while before signing up and then finally worked up the nerve to make a post or two. In the summer of 2008 I ordered a Ryedale and began sorting copper up here in Canada. My father helped me round up unsorted boxes (he’s retired and has a bit of spare time) and I began socking away copper and nickel at a recreational pace.

Unlike most of the current PM enthusiasts, I began to develop my taste for metals before the economic crash of 2008. When the “crisis” unfolded and terms like TARP were being bandied about I took it upon myself to study macroeconomics, US politics, the international banking system and history of the gold standard. It was this education that forged by personal financial strategy from that time forward.

By the spring of 2009 I had decided to become a full-time precious metals dealer. It was a decision that has paid off tremendously, both financially and personally. Having been an entrepreneur for most of my life, I was familiar with running a business. But nothing I had ever done before felt so enjoyable and satisfying. I opened "Winnipeg Gold Buyer" in the fall of 2009 with the guidance and mentorship of another member on this site. I can't believe I've been in business for over 2 1/2 years. The time sure flies!

Now focusing primarily on scrap gold and silver, I have long since divested myself of all my nickel and copper. At one time I would sell .999 nickels by the hundreds of pounds (hence, “Nickelmeister”) to my American customers and finally liquidated my entire stash of copper pennies to a fellow Canadian. I have also dabbled into numismatics, putting together a pretty respectable and almost complete collection of Canadian decimal coins.

On a personal level, the friendships and business relationships I have made through my involvement with Realcent have been incredible. I have met many of the more prolific members in person and one of them even came to my wedding last month. It’s amazing that this all started with me joining a web forum. It literally changed the course of my life.

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:22 pm
by Rodebaugh
Very good post Jay. Gald to have you onboard brother......keep stacking ;)

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:52 pm
by justj2k78
Thanks for the kind comments, and good to read your stories as well. Added 3 more ASEs today. Nothing earth shattering, but the stack grows on - continuing on the same path for year two! :D

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:19 pm
by fb101
slow and steady wins the race.
enjoyed the stories.

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:05 pm
by Numis Pam
Wishing Realcent had a Pinterest type board for all my favorite threads.... hint hint... :angel: :D

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:09 pm
by Heavymetal
It sure does add up, keep on stacking!

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:11 am
by Rastatodd
justj2k78 wrote:Today marks one year since I jumped into silver. I found Realcent several weeks before - I was reading on a stocks and bonds site, and someone commented that they got a check from Vanguard for $0.01. Someone piped in that if it was a copper cent, it was more like $0.02, and it gets fuzzy there, but somehow that translated into me finding this site. I sorted pennies for a couple of months... a box here and there, and I ended up with a cat litter jug of copper that I'm afraid to lift.

But the PM bug had bitten, and I started to pay attention to the Silver and Gold Forum. Finally one day, armed with $50, I went looking for someone to sell me silver. TxBullion showed up, and offered me an ASE, a 90% half, and a 1-gram A&M bar. I took that deal and started stacking, and I've added in fits and spurts, always in small amounts, ever since.

One year into my silver adventure, I'm enjoying the ride. I'm not a SHTF kinda guy. I still invest in stocks and bonds. But I also have a place in my portfolio for silver and gold. I really enjoy the diversity of silver, though I tend to inhabit a fairly narrow region. After exclusively collecting ASEs for a while, I've broadened my horizons somewhat, but still keep to government issue .999, with a HEAVY tilt towards ASEs. I don't like generics. Personal preference, there's nothing wrong with them.

I really didn't pay attention to the size of my stack once I hit about 15 ounces, I just kept chucking them in with the rest, occasionally removing a few for trades, but never counting. About the time I figured I must have close to 60 or so ounces, I decided to count, and my jaw hit the floor. I had severely underestimated the power of small amounts adding up.

So my advice to anyone who's just getting started - or even just lurking - get started! Find something that interests you - .35, .40. .90, .925, .999; coins, rounds, bars, ingots, jewelry, silverware - find a specialty, or get one of everything. But buy something. Buy it regularly. People are going to freak out and talk about $50/oz silver every time the market goes up a dollar. Just the same, people are going to freak out and talk about $15 silver every time silver goes down a dollar. Now, I've only been at this a year, but so far, they've never been right, so I tune out the noise, and buy on a regular basis. I don't try to call peaks, I don't try to call valleys, I don't know and anyone who claims to needs medication. So just buy. Buy on a regular basis, and a fixed amount. If it's $50 a week, so what? That adds up! in 5 years, you'd have 261 ounces. Sometimes its easy to get overwhelmed by people conducting multi-thousand dollar deals. Just stay steady, I know who I am, I know how I stack, and I'll continue to nibble around the edges, but in the end, eat well.

So I thank you for one year. TxBullion, I thank you for getting me started, I still have the ASE! I've learned so much in one year, and I know there's still so much more to learn. I plan to be around for the long haul! :mrgreen:

Well said. :thumbup:
Remember, slow and steady, slow and steady.
Congrats on your one year anniversary.

Re: I've been at it a year

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:41 pm
by joee5
I've been converting my metal detecting clad into silver rounds