Feels good, doesn't it? And it's gonna get much better I try to convince my coworkers to convert their 401K's to self-directed accounts so I can tell them which mining stocks to buy, but I can't even get them to do that "oh, it's too risky... I could lose all my money." Dude, what's risky is staying in a dying fiat currency... but you can't tell them anything, they're too busy texting and glued to their iphones.coppertone wrote:My stash is way too small but I did tell my wife yesterday that I made an extra weeks wage...... before I got out of bed!
beauanderos wrote:Feels good, doesn't it? And it's gonna get much better I try to convince my coworkers to convert their 401K's to self-directed accounts so I can tell them which mining stocks to buy, but I can't even get them to do that "oh, it's too risky... I could lose all my money." Dude, what's risky is staying in a dying fiat currency... but you can't tell them anything, they're too busy texting and glued to their iphones.coppertone wrote:My stash is way too small but I did tell my wife yesterday that I made an extra weeks wage...... before I got out of bed!
smalltimeopn wrote:I wish I had started at Heartkill's age as I'm just about double his age. But I have managed to put some aside over the years. My question is are any members still purchasing silver at $24 - 25/oz? Is this just a flat point before the next spike upwards? (What I own was purchased for less than the current spot and yes, it is sweet watching it increase!!!)
Rodebaugh wrote:Dear ol' Ray.....It is because of your rantings that I have stopped choosing funds from the list of 40 or so provided in my wife’s retirement account and have instead enrolled her into a (PCRA) personal choice retirement account. Now I can choose any stock, fund, ETF, cash, whatever my heart desires.
Thogey wrote:Rodebaugh wrote:Dear ol' Ray.....It is because of your rantings that I have stopped choosing funds from the list of 40 or so provided in my wife’s retirement account and have instead enrolled her into a (PCRA) personal choice retirement account. Now I can choose any stock, fund, ETF, cash, whatever my heart desires.
That way if you screw up your wife's retirement account.. You can blame it on Ray!
That's what I'm gonna do.
frugalcanuck wrote:I dont want to be a negative nancy here but I dont consider myself profiting unless I pull the gun and sell. The PMs I do own now, I hope to never have to sell them. So one day many years from now there may be a profit if I sell but I will not see one untill then.
And for the real downer... Everyones income dropped in real money this week.
smalltimeopn wrote:I wish I had started at Heartkill's age as I'm just about double his age. But I have managed to put some aside over the years. My question is are any members still purchasing silver at $24 - 25/oz? Is this just a flat point before the next spike upwards? (What I own was purchased for less than the current spot and yes, it is sweet watching it increase!!!)
Copper Catcher wrote:The handwriting is in the wall and preservation of wealth is not only important but necessary in times like these.
The roller coaster ride we are on is inching its way up the steep slope. The down hill ride as the economic situation worsens not only in the US but around the world will be more frightening than anyone alive today will be able to recall....
A "new world order" will be established. Meaning global governance and a single IMF based currency, see page four: http://www.imf.org/external/np/pp/eng/2010/041310.pdf
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