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Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:27 pm
by beauanderos
It's come to my attention that alot of us (members of the forum) who are heavily invested in precious metals and seeing incredible gains when they move radically to the upside... have no one we can share our joy with. Others would feel we are boasting, bragging about "how smart we were to invest in precious metals" when all we really want to do is share how exciting it is to finally see silver and gold take off after all our years of patiently waiting. And, sure, maybe we emphasize the significance of a particular one day move by telling someone (in amazement ourselves) how much we made in just one day. Depending on the size of your stash, it could be more than a year's pay at the old job. Anyway... the wive's and girlfriends are probably tired of hearing about it already, and you can't tell strangers... so we just have each other. ;)

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:36 pm
by blackrabbit
I don't mind boasting a little bit to family and friends that I have ranted to about the financial system over the last few years . I told everybody that they should buy precious metals. Now they listen a little more closely when I am ranting! :lol:

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:42 pm
by coppertone
My stash is way too small but I did tell my wife yesterday that I made an extra weeks wage...... before I got out of bed!

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:34 pm
by beauanderos
coppertone wrote:My stash is way too small but I did tell my wife yesterday that I made an extra weeks wage...... before I got out of bed!
Feels good, doesn't it? And it's gonna get much better :mrgreen: I try to convince my coworkers to convert their 401K's to self-directed accounts so I can tell them which mining stocks to buy, but I can't even get them to do that "oh, it's too risky... I could lose all my money." Dude, what's risky is staying in a dying fiat currency... but you can't tell them anything, they're too busy texting and glued to their iphones.

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:56 pm
by Heartkill
beauanderos wrote:
coppertone wrote:My stash is way too small but I did tell my wife yesterday that I made an extra weeks wage...... before I got out of bed!
Feels good, doesn't it? And it's gonna get much better :mrgreen: I try to convince my coworkers to convert their 401K's to self-directed accounts so I can tell them which mining stocks to buy, but I can't even get them to do that "oh, it's too risky... I could lose all my money." Dude, what's risky is staying in a dying fiat currency... but you can't tell them anything, they're too busy texting and glued to their iphones.

I feel your pain, at least hypothetically speaking :lol:. I'd like to think I'm the one with his head screwed on tight around here. I'm still pretty young (24) and I tell other co-workers about investing all the time and all I ever get is the rolling eyes or the "it's too risky" speech. Wake the hell up dudes! Being military I can set quite abit aside each month for "play money". I take advantage of everything I can to generate wealth. I invest in the TSP, have a Roth IRA, dabble with a small brokerage account and have been hoarding gold and silver coins for the past 4 years. I feel very distanced from kids my age. I hope that one day down the road I can look at them and say "I told you so."

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:02 pm
by smalltimeopn
I wish I had started at Heartkill's age as I'm just about double his age. But I have managed to put some aside over the years. My question is are any members still purchasing silver at $24 - 25/oz? Is this just a flat point before the next spike upwards? (What I own was purchased for less than the current spot and yes, it is sweet watching it increase!!!)

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:22 pm
by Rodebaugh
Dear ol' Ray.....It is because of your rantings that I have stopped choosing funds from the list of 40 or so provided in my wife’s retirement account and have instead enrolled her into a (PCRA) personal choice retirement account. Now I can choose any stock, fund, ETF, cash, whatever my heart desires.

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:31 pm
by Beau

smalltimeopn wrote:I wish I had started at Heartkill's age as I'm just about double his age. But I have managed to put some aside over the years. My question is are any members still purchasing silver at $24 - 25/oz? Is this just a flat point before the next spike upwards? (What I own was purchased for less than the current spot and yes, it is sweet watching it increase!!!)

where do I get a truck load for $24 to $25.
I`am buying and I have a big truck.
I want it loaded NOW.


Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:52 pm
by Thogey
Rodebaugh wrote:Dear ol' Ray.....It is because of your rantings that I have stopped choosing funds from the list of 40 or so provided in my wife’s retirement account and have instead enrolled her into a (PCRA) personal choice retirement account. Now I can choose any stock, fund, ETF, cash, whatever my heart desires.


That way if you screw up your wife's retirement account.. You can blame it on Ray!

That's what I'm gonna do.

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:07 pm
by beauanderos
ya bunch of clucking hens! :roll: Alright, you guys run three funds, which are up about 82, 90, and 115% for the year so far and then call back and complain. :geek:

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 9:19 pm
by Rodebaugh
Thogey wrote:
Rodebaugh wrote:Dear ol' Ray.....It is because of your rantings that I have stopped choosing funds from the list of 40 or so provided in my wife’s retirement account and have instead enrolled her into a (PCRA) personal choice retirement account. Now I can choose any stock, fund, ETF, cash, whatever my heart desires.


That way if you screw up your wife's retirement account.. You can blame it on Ray!

That's what I'm gonna do.

yep :lol:

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:49 am
by frugalcanuck
I dont want to be a negative nancy here but I dont consider myself profiting unless I pull the gun and sell. The PMs I do own now, I hope to never have to sell them. So one day many years from now there may be a profit if I sell but I will not see one untill then.

And for the real downer... Everyones income dropped in real money this week.

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:31 am
by Rodebaugh
frugalcanuck wrote:I dont want to be a negative nancy here but I dont consider myself profiting unless I pull the gun and sell. The PMs I do own now, I hope to never have to sell them. So one day many years from now there may be a profit if I sell but I will not see one untill then.

And for the real downer... Everyones income dropped in real money this week.

That saying holds true on taxable transactions of equities.....not sure if it does for PM's.
Ie….Selling my Alcoa stock realized a loss that wasn’t there until I sold…yeah maybe if I held for another 5 years and things changed I could follow this logic. We are talking about a resourse that has essentially no value. Good ol’ Alcoa doesn’t have to go up ever again. The issue of new stock to raise capital, the mismanagement of the company, ect could turn my invested dollars to zero dollars sooner or later.

But Silver?…….nope……sure they mine more of it (which is much more costly than a second offering of common shares). Some may even mismanage it (JPM). However it will never go to zero. It is a completely different animal. It is a store of wealth……….. On the sinking Titanic (FRN) it’s a life boat with a sac full of happy meals waiting for me to shove off. I am not getting vastly wealthier from silvers price appreciation. I am instead preserving my existing capital’s purchasing power while my financed debt is shrinking. (thank the good lord loans are not adjusted for inflation)

So if silver goes back to $10.00 I expect other commodities to follow and the dollar to have restored value. If they do not…….well then “back up the truck!”

Anyone else follow this gains (except vs. existing debt), no loss, just preservation of wealth :?:

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:46 am
by JJM
smalltimeopn wrote:I wish I had started at Heartkill's age as I'm just about double his age. But I have managed to put some aside over the years. My question is are any members still purchasing silver at $24 - 25/oz? Is this just a flat point before the next spike upwards? (What I own was purchased for less than the current spot and yes, it is sweet watching it increase!!!)

Yes, still buying when I can. Personally, I don't think the economy is coming back, and I think there are much darker days ahead for the economy and our nation. I take little joy in the upward moves In PM's, as I know what else is coming alongside and after these moves... The bankruptcy of our nation lies in wait.

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:53 am
by RickS
As a new silver collector/hoarder ( :D ) ....

I understand the preservation of wealth point to an extent. Let's take the recent ramp up of silver from 20->26 (30% increase) - the items that I need to purchase on a daily basis don't appear to have increased by 30% inflation of the FRN. IE - a $500/month budget still buys close to the same amount of things that it did 3 months ago. Is there a historical trend where that has happened? Maybe I'm just sampling too small of a period?

I get how silver will protect in a quickly tanking economy (late 08), but I don't see "just protection" as corporations start to recover a bit. Or maybe I'm just too much of an optimist watching stock+401k returns? Or maybe I should have stayed in college longer and not dropped out to take a job? :)

Fill me in guys!

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:41 am
by Copper Catcher
The handwriting is in the wall and preservation of wealth is not only important but necessary in times like these.

The roller coaster ride we are on is inching its way up the steep slope. The down hill ride as the economic situation worsens not only in the US but around the world will be more frightening than anyone alive today will be able to recall....

A "new world order" will be established. Meaning global governance and a single IMF based currency, see page four:

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:58 am
by Treetop
Copper Catcher wrote:The handwriting is in the wall and preservation of wealth is not only important but necessary in times like these.

The roller coaster ride we are on is inching its way up the steep slope. The down hill ride as the economic situation worsens not only in the US but around the world will be more frightening than anyone alive today will be able to recall....

A "new world order" will be established. Meaning global governance and a single IMF based currency, see page four:

As crazy as it sounds to some (although I have no clue if that holds true in this crowd) you are indeed right. I didnt read your link, but I have studied the IMF for years. The patterns used to crush countries around the world, have done similar patterns here. If it sounds crazy to any of you, PLEASE study the issue anyway. I assure you, if you study it, and dont think it is true, you simply need to broaden your study. It is traceable, and verifiable. the ultimate goal? I dont know, besides the fact of centralized power, and the push for world governance...... That part, and the patterns used globally over and over to create it in various countries is real.......

Heres another thing...... those with PMs often DO retain wealth through these things, BUT what is there to buy? the answer will be food.

Please get a garden going my friends. collect leaves from the side of the road, or manure from farmers, or whatever.... get some seeds.... Im NOT even talking about mad max stuff here. Study the IMF and how it manipulates things to force people to comply. Food is one of those keys. if you truly study the IMF, I think most here will agree, the prudent investors has PMs, the truly wise investor has PMs, then will go to food production instead of spending their PMs to eat..... and then when the dust starts settling, will used their wealth retained in PMs to start again....... these same patterns have been used around the globe. we have many many models to look at. It is simply our turn.......

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:30 pm
by ScottyTX
Ahhh, my brother called me a day or two ago and starting preaching to me about owning physical silver, gold and the declining value of the American dollar blah blah blah blah.... anyways after listening to him ramble on for about 30 min or so with me chuckling to myself, I asked him simply if he had tape recorded a conversation I had with him about 12-18 months ago and then he decided to repeat everything back to me. Some of the sheeple are starting to wake up, watch out!!!


Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:05 am
by Redneck

Re: Bragging Rights

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:19 am
by blackrabbit
People could try to rob me I suppose, but it is not going to be worth it cause most of my stash is buried pirate style in an undisclosed off-site location. Also I will resist with force any attempts to steal from me. My well trained Rottweiler X Wolf cross dog and some industrial strength anti-bear spray should discourage any packs of hooligans. I live basically in a shack as I try to accumulate capital to actually transcend my landless peasant status. So I am not worried about people camping out on my non-existent front lawn. I am glad I don't live in any urban area though. I would worry more then. I think people in rural areas will pull together instead of killing each other if the financial system totally collapses. The suckers in the cities are going to have problems.