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The Short Squeeze Is Getting Closer

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:28 am
by Country

IMHO, we are seeing the first effects of a massive SHORT SQUEEZE of JPM and friends in SILVER, and to a smaller extent in GOLD. There are some who believe that this will be like the Cornelius Vanderbilt short squeeze of years gone by, when he purposely let sellers sell short railroad stock when he was the only one he owned the shares for which they could cover (buy back) their short positions. The result was that the SHORT SELLERS were bankrupted because Vanderbilt could charge whatever price for the shares they needed that he wanted - the price he charged bankrupted them all. Of course, in today's age of Federal bailouts, the FED would have no recourse but to bail out the "TOO BIG TO FAIL BANKS" once again. However, when the hedge funds smell blood, they are like sharks moving in for the kill. I would look for the hedgees to make a big impact in the relatively small SILVER market in the next few weeks. The level that SILVER and GOLD could reach is unknown under all these variables, but I would guess it would be MULTIPLES higher than it is now. Did you WONDER why SILVER made a dramatic rise on Friday while the dollar was very strong? Looks like SHORT COVERING to me. :mrgreen:

Re: The Short Squeeze Is Getting Closer

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:51 am
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
Great article, County!

To me, the fundamentals say silver should be priced at around $50. But, I really am a contrarian. All these people jumping on the band wagon are starting to worry me just a little.

My biggest worry is I don't have enough silver and gold right now. :lol:

Re: The Short Squeeze Is Getting Closer

PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:46 am
by Rosco
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
My biggest worry is I don't have enough silver and gold right now. :lol:

:roll: I know I need more but I'm still married an will enjoy 50 in Feb 2011. She did double my allowance its $10 bucks a week now :lol: :D

Re: The Short Squeeze Is Getting Closer

PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:45 am
by misteroman
congrats rosco!