2012 eagle VS 2011

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2012 eagle VS 2011

Postby penny pretty » Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:55 pm

currently at my online source, 2012s are cheaper than 2011s. any thoughts? most of my hoard... OOPS I mean my happenstance collection of eagles is 2011 or earlier. should I stock up on 2012, trade 2011 for 2012? no difference? TY guys!
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Re: 2012 eagle VS 2011

Postby dannan14 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:01 am

*shrug* They all weigh 1 toz
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Re: 2012 eagle VS 2011

Postby rexmerdinus » Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:10 am

^^Yeah, what he said!

The fact that you refer to ASE's as your "hoard" rather than your "collection" tells me that you don't have them for their numismatic value, so buy the silver as cheaply as you can!
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Re: 2012 eagle VS 2011

Postby PADFH » Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:38 am

I don't care about dates. I'd certainly go with cheaper 2012s. As far as I understand, there is little to numismatic value on generic ASEs.
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Re: 2012 eagle VS 2011

Postby Pennybug » Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:55 am

rexmerdinus wrote:^^Yeah, what he said!

The fact that you refer to ASE's as your "hoard" rather than your "collection" tells me that you don't have them for their numismatic value, so buy the silver as cheaply as you can!


Ask yourself "do I collect coins or do I collect silver?". If you collect silver... determine your parameters on what you want to collect and find the lowest cost and forget about numismatics. If you collect coins... then it's a personal choice. If your in the middle somewhere... then I'd say it's a personal choice there too.

I don't see why the 2011's would be worth more somehow. They made a bajillion of those and they certainly won't be a key date. Me? An eagle is an eagle. I don't care if it says 1996 or 2012. That means NOTHING to me (other than if I got a bunch at a good deal I'd sell them to someone who does care about that and buy some more 2012's).
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Re: 2012 eagle VS 2011

Postby NDFarmer » Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:25 am

dannan14 wrote:*shrug* They all weigh 1 toz

Agreed to me they are nothing more than an ounce of silver. Never could understand why people go so nut for Eagles. I see them sell for $45.00 to $50.00 apiece at coin auctions all the time.
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Re: 2012 eagle VS 2011

Postby penny pretty » Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:32 pm

thanks! I wondered if it was an inventory thing.ty again for the info!
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Re: 2012 eagle VS 2011

Postby everything » Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:10 pm

2012, cheaper, and not picked over, the mintage on these will be so high they are just plain identical in value, however 2011 is the 25th year or whatever, but if you get the 2012 try to get the ones made in San Francisco, because that's the 75th anniversary of the mint, lol.
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