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Is 28.00 silver still cheap?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:17 am
by coppertone
Looks like silver has risen to 28.00 plus. I have purchased silver in 4 of the last 6 days and over the last two weeks I have spent all my available cash on silver. With the recent run in prices, is silver still cheap? I believe it is and will continue to buy as money becomes available. What does everyone think?

Re: Is 28.00 silver still cheap?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:26 am
by HelloMeteor
I'm watching prices now. Can't believe it's still going up. I understand some people say "this is the correction" and it makes some sense, but still, it "needs" to drop some. Can you say irrational exuberance? It could easily drop $10, and it still wouldn't be a drop like we had a year or two ago when it went from roughly 20 to 10. For those that say we still have a ways to go to meet the inflation adjusted equivalent of the 1980 peak, I don't think that peak is a valid data point, and that whole explosion should be disregarded.

I'm thinking more and more about selling, at least to recoup my initial investment in silver and gold(bought almost all of it in 2006 for 12/oz and 600/oz respectively), and keep the rest forever. This might be a piece of mind move, rather than a prudent financial move.

Re: Is 28.00 silver still cheap?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:28 am
by Beau
you are doing right.
just keep Buying everything you can.
I can`t find any silver to buy around here.
