beauanderos wrote:But... what Country says is true, he just copied the wrong link: ... -from-5000I guess this is somewhat of a sign of desperation, but shows that they are by no means out of ammunition to push the market around to their desired effect
Sorry guys... Looks like I was reading too many articles at once and pasted the wrong one on my post. The basic story is that the margin requirements on SILVER futures contracts are being raised as of COB tomorrow. That scared the bejeebers out of some margined traders; other folks just piled on the downtrend.
However, while NY still thinks it is the center of the world, it's not 1980 anymore. It's a global trading environment here in 2010. Just 'cause NY increases it's margin requirements doesn't mean that leveraged margin SILVER futures trading can't continue elsewhere in a different timezone. This episodic rise in PMs may well be part of the ongoing currency wars. We'll have to see how this plays out. But, it's not 1980 anymore, and NY is not the center of the world.