did stocks just decouple from PM's?

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did stocks just decouple from PM's?

Postby neilgin1 » Fri May 04, 2012 3:10 pm

as has been the case, recently, when you had equities, stocks getting hammered, Au and Ag futures would follow suit.

today seems to be the exception. i know its wasnt a HUGE up move in gold and silver, but does this portend a decoupling?
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Re: did stocks just decouple from PM's?

Postby theo » Fri May 04, 2012 3:29 pm

My guess is that PMs were allowed to rise slightly so it could not be claimed that gold/silver always follow stocks down. Also, it could be that both metals had reached resistance points that were too strong to be easily breached. Finally, maybe some of the money from stocks is quietly going into PMs and the action today was to "soft cap" the price increases. I noticed that silver bounced off the 1% increase level several times today.
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Re: did stocks just decouple from PM's?

Postby neilgin1 » Fri May 04, 2012 4:50 pm

theo wrote:My guess is that PMs were allowed to rise slightly so it could not be claimed that gold/silver always follow stocks down. Also, it could be that both metals had reached resistance points that were too strong to be easily breached. Finally, maybe some of the money from stocks is quietly going into PMs and the action today was to "soft cap" the price increases. I noticed that silver bounced off the 1% increase level several times today.

yeh, your probably right....you know what Theo? i give up.

i give up, just trying to figure this or that out. Things these days are so bassakwards WRONG, and weird...its gotten so bad...TO ME, i pulled the sat dish out the wall two years ago, i got an antenna up, for digital TV, but i cant remember the last time i watched msm "news"....or ANYTHING but movies on DVD's.

cant even have a decent measured discussion with ANYBODY on politics...i'm talking face to face...whether they're "left" or "right", they get to talking and that devolves into a rant, and i just keep my mouth shut, my hands folded, and just let 'em go on....when they're spent and done, i just smile and say, "I like IKE".....nobody knows what to make out of that.

then i look at various solid blue chip companies, i'm talking the remnants of the "nifty fifty"....J+J, Mickey dee's , International Fragrance and Flavor, ADM, etc etc...right?.....and then i think, "holy smokes, every ONE of these friggin issues is so pumped up with TARP and "stimulus" dough from bank prop trading desks, what happens when these pencil necked 20 something dweebs get ants in their pants and bolt for the door all at once, hitting the algo buttons like woodchucks on speed?

used to be a day, you could amass a portfolio of rock solid AMERICAN companies, paying solid div's, mixed with tax free triple A muni bonds, and you were good to go....i'm talking about regular guys doing this.

all the guys i grew up with in the futures mkt?...they're all DONE, we used to have LONG bull sessions, strategy sessions on spreading corn, wheat, hogs, crude....what "good plays" we could put on....no more. i personally know six guys who had accts at MF global, who were told , "get F###ed, your moneys gone"...i'm afraid to even call and ask, "hey did you get made good?"......10 years ago, even THINKING such would happen, would be unthinkable.

maybe dope fiends got it right. Just float thru each day, baked to the gills, but my own doc is a good and decent fella, who wont prescribe me any goodies i whine and caterwaul for, and since the black market is populated with such scumbags, i'm not going near that.

so anybody that thinks i'm some white washed tomb pharisee hypocrite spouting pious platitudes, think again...we all see thru a glass darly and from time to time, get weak, confused, pressed out and in need of succor.

thanks for the opportunity to unburden meself.

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Re: did stocks just decouple from PM's?

Postby Engineer » Fri May 04, 2012 5:34 pm

I'm guessing its a bull trap, but I've been wrong before.
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Re: did stocks just decouple from PM's?

Postby Cu Penny Hoarder » Fri May 04, 2012 5:52 pm

This has happened several times in the past, but it did not continue to countertrend for very long.

I think the $1630 and $30 area has been a buy point for China, Russia and India.

I still think Ag will come back down to the $25 area. It's fun to prognosticate, but as we have seen, we are often thrown a curve ball when expecting a fast ball.
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Re: did stocks just decouple from PM's?

Postby theo » Fri May 04, 2012 7:08 pm

neilgin1 wrote:

then i look at various solid blue chip companies, i'm talking the remnants of the "nifty fifty"....J+J, Mickey dee's , International Fragrance and Flavor, ADM, etc etc...right?.....and then i think, "holy smokes, every ONE of these friggin issues is so pumped up with TARP and "stimulus" dough from bank prop trading desks, what happens when these pencil necked 20 something dweebs get ants in their pants and bolt for the door all at once, hitting the algo buttons like woodchucks on speed?

For the past few years I've had the distinct impression that this market is gamed, with most of the major participants in it for the hussle rather than funding real wealth creation. In times like these I'm almost glad I don't share your impressive knowledge and experience as it would cause a lot more sleepless nights.
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Re: did stocks just decouple from PM's?

Postby SoFa » Fri May 04, 2012 8:31 pm

They've been decoupled for months.
Gold and silver have been sinking since February. Over the same time period, stock were going up.
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Re: did stocks just decouple from PM's?

Postby fb101 » Fri May 04, 2012 11:17 pm

seems like it.
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