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Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:34 pm
by neilgin1
One of the US silver coins i love is the 1932 Washington Quarter. i gotta a few rolls, granted they are G4 to f8's, glad to have them though, ok that said, i'm sniffing Ebay right now. (oh and btw, i just missed a woodchuck from 50 feet on my backporch...good shot, huh?....and no, i'm not blasting critters for no good reason. i got indoor plumbing, etc, but i got two fully functionable outhouses, and a chuck family decided to burrow under one, hence they are on my kill list. But i didnt want anyone to think i was some rambo, my shootings off, must be that patent medicine, sumsabeaches!)

anyway, i see a ROLL of 1932 GEM/BU Washingtons from a seller, i done a lot of business with, the bid is up to $858, but there's only two bidders, one is the real deal, some heavyweight, with 7600 plus stars...the other bidder, suspect.


first, here's the link; ... 0464143142

go to the bids, the auction opens at 17:00 hours and 35 second PST on 6 June 2012...then at 17:01 and 45 seconds, not 1 minute later, a bidder with ZERO stars, flips in an unknown high bid, at least higher than $858.88.....about an hour, our heavyweight bidder starts sniffing, $11, $12, and up, he's sniffing...all the way up to $848.88.

so i went to go check this bidder that cant seem to buy nothing. well in the last 30 days, he's done bid on 79 items with a total of 199 bids, which leds me to believe he's either incompentent or most likely a ####ing shill.

and i thought the seller was a straight up dude, so help me out, how would you phrase my question to the seller at this "inconsistency" without making an accusation? please, coz all i see right now is boiling pot of tar, and a sack of feathers, i kid you not. i'll just cut and paste your question...OR tell me if i'm just getting paranoid.

its like we got enough problems with TPTB and all their trickery and this?!?

thanks guys, neil

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:40 pm
by Thogey
If you want. I'll cut and paste your question. I'll just post it as a concern by a friend of mine.

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:43 pm
by BamaJoe
Well my friend, since I don't do the ebay thing all I can really offer is that it does look a little off plumb to me. On the other hand, good luck with the woodchucks. :D

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:43 pm
by Copper Catcher
The zero bidder has bid on that seller activity (%) with this seller: 10% according to the stats.
So not sure an out and out shill...

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:57 pm
by neilgin1
Thogey wrote:If you want. I'll cut and paste your question. I'll just post it as a concern by a friend of mine.

i appreciate that Major, sure do bud. i'm so hot right now over this...i mean tell i just acting like a lil girl, or is my read right?

IF this guy is "shilling"....and i got LOTS of extra time to stir up trouble, i'm gonna make his ebay life hell, if it harelips the guvenor.
anyway, Thog, how are you?....been thinking about ya, just about done reading a book, "How the End Begins"...fascinating stuff, "letter of last resort", and my favorite topic "nuclear ambiguity". ... end+begins

thanks again, your shipmate, neil

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:04 pm
by bman
why does it matter?
If you see something you want on ebay you just bid what you are willing to pay (don't forget to factor in the shipping cost) and if you win the auction you get it, if you get outbid then the price was too high and you search for the next listing.

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:08 pm
by neilgin1
BamaJoe wrote:Well my friend, since I don't do the ebay thing all I can really offer is that it does look a little off plumb to me. On the other hand, good luck with the woodchucks. :D

it does look "off" dont it? on the other hand, can you believe i missed a 50 footer?....i mean thats just fricking shameful, but i been in this mode, "just keep your powder dry, muscle memory will serve you" BS. i notice i aim high, which means go back to 'aim small, miss small".......what do you think about this, a fellow told me, just pour a bottle of Pine Sol into the hole, and they leave, bury it back up....think that'll work? i could hav-a-hart them, but i was saving those for trapping game and i dont want them stinking of blood...sorry to go off topic, but between TPTB, good ebay sellers potentially gone wrong and chucks digging under an outhouse, i need to get pie eyed.

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:15 pm
by neilgin1
Copper Catcher wrote:The zero bidder has bid on that seller activity (%) with this seller: 10% according to the stats.
So not sure an out and out shill...

right, 10%....but the thing is , one minute after the auction goes up?....could it be a loose group shill?...some phony account a group of sellers use, to ramp up bids?.....maybe they all got access to this shills password, etc?...the seller's a big one, he's in an elite crowd, and you must admit, collusion is a reality...if it is, i'm going to raise some hell.

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:25 pm
by neilgin1
bman wrote:why does it matter?
If you see something you want on ebay you just bid what you are willing to pay (don't forget to factor in the shipping cost) and if you win the auction you get it, if you get outbid then the price was too high and you search for the next listing.

it matters, because if this "bidder" with NO BUYS, flips in a bid, one minute after the listing is put up, thats a jimmy rigged market.

and if its a jimmy rigged offer, that means what was once a blue chip seller has now turned into a scumbag, much like all the scumbags we read about in our national life, the Corzines, the jamie Dimons, the Bernacke's, the Obama's, Romneys, all the [shucks] turd 20 somethings that flig algo buttons buying millions of shares on a once fine stock market, now turned into a schitzo casino, all these scumbags who are dragging us into a nightmare pit of hell, where hard earned savings either evaporate, or are confiscated thru currency demolition, or excessive taxation, hyperinflation...or we get dragged into some war, so this gang can re-elect the shill they put up in 2008.

no ill will meant towards you sir, i'm just getting real sick of all the lies and BS swirling around this country i love.

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:27 pm
by CardsNCoins
Not that it matters, but the zero feedback bidder's bid was in first. Still, it could be the seller using that early bid as a safety.

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:41 pm
by Bluegill
Although shill bidding is rampant on ebay, I'm not 100% sure this is the case. It looks suspect, but suspect enough.

I did a little snooping. Looks like the bidder with 7651 feedback like Gem/Bu coins. I pulled up several of the sellers completed listings and found him as a bidder on just Gem/Bu coins. The bidder with 0 feedback wasn't part of any of the few I pulled up.

It looks like the 7651 bidder is a "nibbler". That's where one bids in increments either the same as the automatic proxy bids or a little more (with oddball numbers) than the automatic increments. When you get to a point where the proxy bid is less than the bid increment, you have found that competing bidders highest and best. At that point you know what to snipe with. Sometimes you become the high bidder and lose that small advantage.

I have done this numerous times. The 7651 bidder has a pattern of doing this in the few completed auctions I pulled up.

Where I'm still having some doubt is that he quit nibbling before he either found the competing bidders highest and best or became the high bidder. Unless he had a top price he was staying disciplined with...

Of course I could be flat out wrong...

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:07 pm
by neilgin1
Bluegill wrote:Although shill bidding is rampant on ebay, I'm not 100% sure this is the case. It looks suspect, but suspect enough.

I did a little snooping. Looks like the bidder with 7651 feedback like Gem/Bu coins. I pulled up several of the sellers completed listings and found him as a bidder on just Gem/Bu coins. The bidder with 0 feedback wasn't part of any of the few I pulled up.

It looks like the 7651 bidder is a "nibbler". That's where one bids in increments either the same as the automatic proxy bids or a little more (with handball numbers) than the automatic increments. When you get to a point where the proxy bid is less than the bid increment, you have found that competing bidders highest and best. At that point you know what to snipe with. Sometimes you become the high bidder and lose that small advantage.

I have done this numerous times. The 7651 bidder has a pattern of doing this in the few completed auctions I pulled up.

Where I'm still having some doubt is that he quit nibbling before he either found the competing bidders highest and best or became the high bidder. Unless he had a top price is was staying disciplined with...

Of course I could be flat out wrong...

thank you so much! yeh, 7651 and i both like GEM/BU, he's just got more money than me.

you know what i did notice?...i went to my saved sellers list, and a lot of the folks i did a lot of business with, in open auction, have turned into 100% buy it now'er's, with very little silver offered, just clad BU stuff....and these were presumably sellers not just selling their stacks...or maybe they were.

i also have noticed the hot thing is both the AU and above solid date 40's era Mercury rolls, and AU and above solid date Walking Liberty Halves rolls, i do appreciate that though bud. neil

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:46 am
by neilgin1
now this roll of 1932 GEM Washington Quarters is up to $949, with our no star bidder holding the bag, and the 7651 continuing to nibble.

so i went to PCGS, just to look at the market and population, and i learned some new stuff...lets just say these coins grade MS-60, cant really tell from the photos, but just for argument sake, last quote was $31, which would put the roll at $1200....but here's the new thing i learned while looking at population, quote:

"The Washington quarter was first issued to commemorate the 200th anniversary of George Washington's birth. It was the first design change for U.S. coins since 1916. It was some what of a novelty at the time of issue. However, 1932 was the depth of the Great Depression so not a lot of Uncircuated examples were initially saved. The coin was desirable nonetheless and within a few years it was much hoarded. But most of the coins that were saved were sliders, i.e. coins that had seen a little circulation and would grade AU58 or so today. I remember seeing slider rolls of this isssue in the 1970s. True Gem MS65 or better 1932 Philadelphia quarters are actually fairly rare. In MS67 (PCGS population of only two coins as of August, 2009), this is an extremely rare coin".

i never heard that term before, "slider rolls", and unless my eyes are betraying me, you can see a LITTLE circ in them, which would make them a slider roll, and AU55's traded for $16, which would put the value of the roll at 640, 850 tops, so if i was Mr. 7651, i'd hang the dealer with his zero star shill at $949....this is going to be interesting to see what happens....whether 7651 bites, i wouldnt, unless i had FU money.

tell you what, i'm liking WW2 era Walking Liberty GEM/BU Halves more and more every day. ... 0464143142

Re: Help me out here gang, question on the bidding of a roll

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:07 am
by 68Camaro
The photo is just good enough to tease - not quite good enough to verify condition at the 60+ level, but doesn't look to me like they are 60+. If they were the seller would have provided those photos to run the price up.