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Being Nice To The Teller Pays Off....Again

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:17 am
by Gobirds66
So, I have a $100 standing order for pennies at the Metro Bank in South Central Pennsylvania that I pick up once a week on the day that they get their money shipment. All the bank branches have a coin counter in the lobby so I chose them because they would order my pennies as long as I was a customer (no business account required) so I keep under $20 in the bank and all is cool. Well, over the last year I have become very good friends with the tellers at one branch, bring them goodies every so often, and call them when I am on my way to the bank so they can get my coin ready. It is ready when I get there, and they are so happy to give it to me. I am a lucky man just to be in this position. I have expanded to dimes and halves over the last year and they willingly order what I want without a question of that too at FV. They are just a dream with which to deal.

Anyway, I get the questions about why so much coin? I am honest and explain that I am pulling the copper and the silver, and then explain why. Some of the tellers are very interested so I made a deal with them. They will now pull silver and the old coins such as buffalo nickels, and wheats, and I give them a fair price when I stop in to get my shipments They sit around and are bored when the slow periods in the bank so I put a bunch of them to work for themselves and incentivized them, so life is good and I am truly blessed that they are so nice, and we both win in this deal.

Now the best part. Last night I swing by for a shipment and one of the tellers shows me a man's gold ring that was rattling around in the customer coin counter. She asked me if I wanted it. Uhhhh.....YEAH!!!!! Of course! She said she doubts it is worth anything. I just chuckled, yanked out my loupe and showed her the 14K mark inside. I told her that I would honor our deal, so I will go to my LCS who gives me a more than fair price for scrap gold, get it exchanged for money and split it with the teller.

Educating the tellers was the best thing I could do. I have a bunch of partners that look out for me now.....and I get discounted silver. We all win.

Re: Being Nice To The Teller Pays Off....Again

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:27 am
by db23
Gobirds66 wrote:Educating the tellers was the best thing I could do. I have a bunch of partners that look out for me now.....and I get discounted silver. We all win.

The problem with a setup like this is that it's only a matter of time before someone gets cut out of the loop. Wanna guess who that'll be?

Re: Being Nice To The Teller Pays Off....Again

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:43 am
by CardsNCoins
db23's only a matter of time before someone gets cut out of the loop. Wanna guess who that'll be?

oooooh oooooh Pick me. Pick me. I know. I know.

Re: Being Nice To The Teller Pays Off....Again

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:01 am
by OtusLotus
Ahhh, the days I long for when a teller saves all of the silver FOR ME!

Too many times I have seen silver un a teller's tray and they tell me that they are saving it for another customer!

I never EVER thought that there was such a customer!

Congrats on ur arrangements, and enjoy it!

Question.. You are actually giving the teller the profits IN the bank or are you meeting them outside the bank?

Re: Being Nice To The Teller Pays Off....Again

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:00 pm
by dakota1955
nice to hear stories about great tellers, I have a couple of them myself that I treat right.

Re: Being Nice To The Teller Pays Off....Again

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:24 pm
by Gobirds66
OtusLotus wrote:
Question.. You are actually giving the teller the profits IN the bank or are you meeting them outside the bank?

Always outside the bank. This way the cameras do not mistake it for funny business.......

Re: Being Nice To The Teller Pays Off....Again

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:44 pm
by Gobirds66
db23 wrote:
Gobirds66 wrote:Educating the tellers was the best thing I could do. I have a bunch of partners that look out for me now.....and I get discounted silver. We all win.

The problem with a setup like this is that it's only a matter of time before someone gets cut out of the loop. Wanna guess who that'll be?

So, up until recently, I WAS out of the loop, so weaseling my way into the loop is something that I look at as a chance to grab what I can for as long as I can at a decent price. When it is done, oh well.....It is not the only method I use to obtain Silver. Basically, I lose nothing by doing it and all to gain cause otherwise I would never have a chance at the stuff they save so not really worried if I get cut out of the loop but so far it seems to be working.

Also, you are under the assumption that people have the ambition to do things for themselves. That may be true on this forum since we are all of a like mind, but in the world of 20 something female tellers, they are more interested in making a couple of bucks to get their nails done. If I can make them "lazy" and still make them some money, I am betting they will take that route. Look at businesses, investment banks, and the government, they have been doing it for years and it works out every single time for all of them...... Sure the tellers could make more by doing it themselves, but there is a coin shop a mile away from the branch and not one of them knows where it is. I am just providing a service......

Re: Being Nice To The Teller Pays Off....Again

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:28 pm
by goodcents
Make hay while the sun shines. If you can make them a little money, put them to work on the lookout, and get yourself some extra silver, etc. it's a win win.