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Max Keiser tells the world to Crash JP Morgan, buy silver.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:13 pm
by AGCoinHunter
Interesting.... ... z15krG0m00

After reading this I am of the opinion that it will never happen. The rules will change or the government (aka taxpayers) will bail them out. In the elites eyes, JPM is too big to fail.

Re: Max Keiser tells the world to Crash JP Morgan, buy silve

PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:06 pm
by beauanderos
It would be more useful to buy PSLV, Eric Sprott's new audit-ready silver bullion backed ETF, which would compete directly in the same market place with BIG silver buyers. Sprott is trustworthy, but I wouldn't invest in SLV or GLD (guess who they are run by? Yup, JPMorgan!Image ImageYou really thing they have bullion? Or if they do, they aren't prepared to grab it if the short squeeze occurs?)

Re: Max Keiser tells the world to Crash JP Morgan, buy silve

PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:42 pm
by Country
While I like PMs you can feel and touch best, I like CEF myself for your paper GOLD and SILVER: Central End Fund of Canada. They've been around a long time, their bullion is there and has been audited by a third party, and best of all the bullion is in Canada, not at the Comex or the LME. This fund holds both SILVER and GOLD; half SILVER and half GOLD. The ETFs and closed-end funds that have the goods trade at a premium to asset value; the ones that don't, trade at a discount to asset value. :)

Re: Max Keiser tells the world to Crash JP Morgan, buy silve

PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:49 pm
by beauanderos
Country wrote:While I like PMs you can feel and touch best, I like CEF myself for your paper GOLD and SILVER: Central End Fund of Canada. They've been around a long time, their bullion is there and has been audited by a third party, and best of all the bullion is in Canada, not at the Comex or the LME. This fund holds both SILVER and GOLD; half SILVER and half GOLD. The ETFs and closed-end funds that have the goods trade at a premium to asset value; the ones that don't, trade at a discount to asset value. :)

I agree, CEF is one of the better choices for the reasons listed. Image

Re: Max Keiser tells the world to Crash JP Morgan, buy silve

PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:16 pm
by misteroman
why would anyone buy paper with what you know

Re: Max Keiser tells the world to Crash JP Morgan, buy silve

PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:36 pm
by Country
misteroman wrote:why would anyone buy paper with what you know

It's a matter of diversification. While I see what's going on, I want to hedge my bets by not putting EVERYTHING in one basket. Why? Because, if I'm wrong in my outlook, and I've been wrong many times in my life, I won't put all my buying power on one pony hoping for the big payout. Will the dollar crash and burn - maybe yes, maybe no? Who knows how this economic world will end up? I want to have something in every asset class, even though I've moved very hard into PMs over time. I guess if you're younger, you can make the big bet and recover. If you're older, you've got to hedge your bets.

Re: Max Keiser tells the world to Crash JP Morgan, buy silve

PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:53 pm
by beauanderos
Movement of huge dollar flows into funds that purportedly are backed by real bullion which is allocated and can be audited should have a greater impact on the price rise than us little guys scurrying around and trying to pick up an eagle here or there, or buying $100 face of junk, which is just moving existing bullion from weak hands to stronger ones. BIG buyers don't source from the same market that we have available to us, thus will have a greater effect upon drying up the silver river at the head, not like us downstreamers catching a droplet of spray before it evaporates. Once the flow is cut off, then the price will skyrocket, manipulation be damned. Image