Spread sheet
Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:41 am
by frugalcanuck
Do people keep a spread sheet on their computer to keep track of your PM's?
I have an Excel sheet to help me keep track.
I am concerned about the government being able to get my data on my PM's when they dont want us to have them anymore.
Are others concerned about others getting their PM info?
Re: Spread sheet
Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:32 am
by billo
Probably unlikely. But then again, who knows. If you keep your spreadsheet on a computer or other device never connected to Internet or local network and never used by anyone but you, you're good shape as long as you maintain physical control of that machine. Written material on paper is also good, especially if not written in plain English.
(On the other hand, if you've bought PM online from a major store, or used a credit card for PM, or shown a big interest in PM on major networking sites or good old Google...a government really determined to control PM might pay you a visit to sniff around. That's why we need to be active in political process too, and help slow down socialists in government.)
Re: Spread sheet
Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:19 pm
by stateofmind
Encrypt your files with TrueCrypt. Google it. It's very simple to use and provides Government level protection(the kind of protection they use for Top Secret Documents) and takes something like 100's of years to crack with current technology.