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So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:08 am
by beauanderos
check out the minute by minute action today... and the volume spikes (downwards :x ) ... ame=Silver

Looks to me like they're gonna try to take it down to $29.50 or so.

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:14 am
by brian0918
C'mon $29.15!!!

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:28 am
by NHsorter
Gold went a little nutty too.

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:33 am
by Slaphot
US market is closed on Monday. TPTB love to take AG down on those days.

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:34 am
by 68Camaro
Sell off in advance of the FOMC remarks, and the over-reaction the other way when the Bernanke allowed as how they are going to do "something", then when realization set in that there was still nothing specific on the table both PMs have been settling back to more or less where they've been the past few days.

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:47 am
by brian0918
And silver has shot straight back up - is that also "silver manipulation"? Or does this "manipulation" only happen to occur when silver drops in price?

Gold made the exact same moves - is gold not being "manipulated", but silver is? Or are they both?

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:11 am
by 68Camaro
68Camaro wrote:Sell off in advance of the FOMC remarks, and the over-reaction the other way when the Bernanke allowed as how they are going to do "something", then when realization set in that there was still nothing specific on the table both PMs have been settling back to more or less where they've been the past few days.

... and then they realize that the Bernank is saying after all that the economy really sucks, so PMs look better than some other things...

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:12 am
by 68Camaro
I am a believer in formal market manipulation, but think this morning was just an excellent example of market timers trying to out-guess each other.

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:26 am
by tedandcam
If the market can close above 31.20 i've heard that it will hit 34.00 or so before it begins to consolidate again. Getting close to that mark as I speak...31.09! Any educated thoughts on this? I'm not real savy on the technical side of things.

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:30 am
by beauanderos
brian0918 wrote:And silver has shot straight back up - is that also "silver manipulation"? Or does this "manipulation" only happen to occur when silver drops in price?

Gold made the exact same moves - is gold not being "manipulated", but silver is? Or are they both?

Whoopie! :mrgreen: I love it when I'm wrong :shifty:

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:32 am
by NHsorter
It's the greatest thing about being a pessimist. At least when you are wrong, things are going good! :thumbup:

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:59 pm
by rockme54
Myself, I just love it when metals are going up, except when I'm trying to buy a lot!

Re: So You Say You Don't Believe The Silver Market is Rigged

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:27 pm
by coppertop1982
yes I think it's rigged

When I suddenly see silver "newsflashes" about it going down or continuing to go down or having a bad month, week etc and I suddenly keep seeing these "newsflashes" I know its time to BUY!!
(while very1 else is in a panic to sell it (after all the news says its bad right! hah sell sell sell!)

and its pretty ironic that , oh how IRONIC , it is usually weeks or a month or so later it spikes up a few bucks HAH
Its funny how the world works. People buy when it goes up , when you should be buying when it goes down and every1 is panicking
Sell it when its climbing high and every1 wants it

then just wait for the corrections, its ok to sell it once it starts to plateu, but know the market wil lbe saturated and every1 else will be trying to sell it and people won't be buying to much as its not moving! so that means neither ar they , they ar in a holding pattern// wait for it to correct and buy it low
Pretty much just do what the opposite of the mainstream media says if they start to "promote" it too much

Its pretty funny what you can see if you just watch the media and follow what the metal is actually doing