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7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:34 pm
by theshoenlebens
The gentleman didn't have a will and apparently family either. ... index.html

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:43 pm
by Numis Pam
OMG oodness!!

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:59 pm
by beauanderos
To clear up any confusion...

I am NOT dead!

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:59 pm
by NDFarmer
I was always wondering what happened to Uncle Walt after I lost touch with him!!!!!

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:05 pm
by 68Camaro
beauanderos wrote:To clear up any confusion...

I am NOT dead!

Since it was gold I knew it wasn't you - that would have been $7 million in silver. You're only up to 1 million in gold so far, right? :lol:

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:18 pm
by barrytrot
I am more angry than I've been in a while that Beaunaderos beat me to the punch :)

I was totally going to write, "oh no Beaunaderos has died".

You are the man Beanaderos. And you've won this round :)

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:44 pm
by beauanderos
barrytrot wrote:I am more angry than I've been in a while that Beaunaderos beat me to the punch :)

I was totally going to write, "oh no Beaunaderos has died".

You are the man Beanaderos. And you've won this round :)

The neighbors probably do complain about the smell, though :shh: :lol:

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:03 pm
by tedandcam
beauanderos wrote:To clear up any confusion...

I am NOT dead!

Thank goodness thats been cleared up!

Now Ray,do you think you could clear up any other confusion some members here may have...say... post a copy of that will :lol:

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:58 pm
by Tourney64
He's my long lost dad. I need to get in touch with the authorities now, sorry NDfatmer. Son has a better claim than the nephew.

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:16 pm
by cesariojpn
They found a distant cousin thru the funeral rolls. Also, the Government could actually take up to 75% of the total value of the lot for Inheritance Taxes (Unreported from Mother to Son, and from the guy to the girl), Unreported Income, State Taxes, Capital Gains Taxes, and any adjusted value if Numismatic Value of Coins and Cash is factored in.

That Cousin is gonna get a paltry paycheck when all's said and done.

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:06 am
by barrytrot
cesariojpn wrote:They found a distant cousin thru the funeral rolls. Also, the Government could actually take up to 75% of the total value of the lot for Inheritance Taxes (Unreported from Mother to Son, and from the guy to the girl), Unreported Income, State Taxes, Capital Gains Taxes, and any adjusted value if Numismatic Value of Coins and Cash is factored in.

That Cousin is gonna get a paltry paycheck when all's said and done.

The cousin can fight all of that. If the dead man DID PAY his taxes and has some reasonable record of purchasing or using real money to buy the gold there will be no issues with taxes, other than the lengthy process.

He can also fight against bogus over-valuation of semi-numismatic gold.

Inheritance tax over, I think $2 million (is that correct?) is taxes as normal income in these cases, so he would lose 35% of that amount.

So if he fights and if the old man paid his taxes he'll get about $5 million.

Which is well above paltry.

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:20 am
by highroller4321
barrytrot wrote:
cesariojpn wrote:They found a distant cousin thru the funeral rolls. Also, the Government could actually take up to 75% of the total value of the lot for Inheritance Taxes (Unreported from Mother to Son, and from the guy to the girl), Unreported Income, State Taxes, Capital Gains Taxes, and any adjusted value if Numismatic Value of Coins and Cash is factored in.

That Cousin is gonna get a paltry paycheck when all's said and done.

The cousin can fight all of that. If the dead man DID PAY his taxes and has some reasonable record of purchasing or using real money to buy the gold there will be no issues with taxes, other than the lengthy process.

He can also fight against bogus over-valuation of semi-numismatic gold.

Inheritance tax over, I think $2 million (is that correct?) is taxes as normal income in these cases, so he would lose 35% of that amount.

So if he fights and if the old man paid his taxes he'll get about $5 million.

Which is well above paltry.

Unless they raised it I think you can only inherit $1 million without paying taxes on it.

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:20 am
by barrytrot
Ok, it may be $1 mil tax free. That still puts him right about $5 mil "take home".

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:40 pm
by cesariojpn
barrytrot wrote:He can also fight against bogus over-valuation of semi-numismatic gold.

The cousin is a woman BTW. Commence realcenters trying to woo the girl in 3......2......

Re: 7 million found in deceased man's home

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:18 pm
by jasmatk
SOmEone aT WORK WAs TeLLiNG thIS stORy AND WhEN HE GOT TO THE pArT abOUT hoW ThE guy only haD $200 IN ThE bANK and 7m IN GolD i SaId sMarT guy as hE SAid wHat a duMbAsS.I guESS now I kNow hes NoT iNto PMS.

eXcUsE tHe TyPING my CAps lOck buTtON HAs tAkeN on A MInD oF iTS own(Real fUN PUting IN pAsSwORDs that are case sensitive) :thumbdown: