Free Silver
Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:36 am
Ok, guys... I gotta admit. I'm scratching my head on this one. Whenever someone posts a link to some magazine offering a silver dime for a buck, say... there will be pages of posts of those who signed up and thus subject themselves to endless spam emails and phone calls... all to "win" a cheap dime. And yet, for five weeks I've been running contests and giving away silver as prizes... and only the same twenty to thirty members (out of a membership of 1241) are even playing??? How hard is it to submit a couple of guesses as to what the price of silver will be in a week's time? There are also current ongoing contests for Copper, Nickel, and Gold. Like Barry just decided... if people don't even sign up to play these contests... why run them? Have to say... the Golden Goose might just get constipated if this doesn't pick up soon.