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Samsung's PM Play

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:55 am
by shinnosuke
The link is to an article on Kitco, which doesn't always enjoy a lot of high regard here on realcent. Nonetheless, the info is useful.

And since this is a bullion metals forum, I won't mention that I like Korean food or that I love Mom, apple pie, liberty, and God.

Re: Samsung's PM Play

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:07 am
by madman326
thanks for that article, i enjoyed reading it. i like pizza and dogs. i hate cats! i also love silver.

Re: Samsung's PM Play

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:08 pm
by mongo
As far as im concerned you can talk about God and or Jesus anytime you want to. Mom, liberty or apple pie would be alright too.

Enjoying being SAVED since 1997

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Re: Samsung's PM Play

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:13 pm
by 68Camaro
Interesting, thanks!

(Typed on a Samsung, Droid-driven, phone which is more powerful than the entire computing center at my early 1980s grad school.)

Re: Samsung's PM Play

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:38 pm
by Engineer
shinnosuke wrote:And since this is a bullion metals forum, I won't mention that I like Korean food or that I love Mom, apple pie, liberty, and God.

People spamming their particular brand of religion or anti-religion gets a bit annoying at times, especially when the opposing sides decide to make a big deal out of their freedom to voice their opinions in the metals forum rather than the general discussion forum.

Re: Samsung's PM Play

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:03 pm
by SilverDragon72
Engineer wrote:
shinnosuke wrote:And since this is a bullion metals forum, I won't mention that I like Korean food or that I love Mom, apple pie, liberty, and God.

People spamming their particular brand of religion or anti-religion gets a bit annoying at times, especially when the opposing sides decide to make a big deal out of their freedom to voice their opinions in the metals forum rather than the general discussion forum.

This is true...believe what you want to believe, but don't try and convince me that your views are better than mine.

Did I mention that I simply adore silver?

Re: Samsung's PM Play

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:26 pm
by Kurr
I think it's smart for a company that uses silver in it's products to invest in mining, if not outright own a mine somewhere. It only makes sense to me. If I make a product from milk, I want to own a few cows rather than be at the whim of the market.

I also love to talk religion and what God has done for me, and led me to do (like my micro bullion production to restore honest money to the poor people's hands, and make sure my children always have a job with honest work and won't have to beg) and enjoy hearing other people share. It's in my signature links even for YEARS now, I think.

If this were the General Discussion Forum, I could go into my weakness for Beef and Broccoli (/me drools) :)

Re: Samsung's PM Play

PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:10 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
This is a great article! Thanks for posting this.

Has anyone heard about a silver vein discovery in China? Actually, it is suppose to be a "reef" of silver ore that runs for miles. It is suppose to run underneath a section of the Great Wall of China. I am not trying to derail the thread. IF the stock rumor I heard is true, then China got into the silver mining market a few years ago to support it's industry, contrary to what the article said about no one getting into silver in that way.

As for massive mega-buck industrial tech giants buying into mining operations... Come on, come on!!! Pop that silver short bankers bubble!!!

Oh, and to stick with the thread... I will not mention my daughter-in-law makes the most incredible pies, & cakes!! My wife just won 2nd place at the Okla. State Fair for her canned hot peppers, the apples are in, and I will be starting 10 gallons of hard apple cider this winter! Hallelujah!