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My own worst enemy....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:42 pm
by hags I go to my nasty-0-crabby dump bank to get rid of another load of bilge...actually it's a bank with three branches and they're all nasty-0-crabby dump locations since the main branch said "BANK POLICY IS NO COINS LESS YOU'RE A COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT" shortly after I opened my personal thus they've been my dump locations ever since.....this particular branch has always been my dump location for pennies and dimes because they have the fastest coin counter, but for some reason I grabbed the bag-0-halves I had and decided to dump em' there....well my dump of halves started smoothly and then suddenly stopped...probably not even $10 of mine filled the bag....and off came the freshly filled canvas bag of halves....

I started twitchin' and moanin'...there it was a fresh bag of halves and I couldn't have them....nasty-0-crabby dump bank with their nice canvas bags for their countin' machine won't sell them to Joe Public Personal account holder.....but boy was my mouth waterin'..... so I leave with remorse and head back to work...then I wonder, why not just ask and pretend you never had that conversation with the main I call and ask for the only person that I know...and she says....wait, I'll ask....and then.....SURE, nobody has a claim to them....I all most fell off my chair....I told her I'd be over in a half hour to pick em' up....

now here's where it gets kinda weird....I walk in with me grubby canvas bag to dump the halves into....since I figure they won't give me their nice canvas bag too....and here they have all the halves laid out on a counter and their counting them.....yep, they took em' out, stacked em' up, and counted, by hand, all $500 worth.....and then the teller walks over and says....we only count $490 and not $500......of which I paid her the $490 and handed her my grubby canvas bag....then she and two others proceeded to load the piles of halves into the bag and kindly handed me the bag.... I know many times, if not all most all times my other bag-0-halves have come up short, and I actually have record of how ratio is 1/150 or 158/23, with $10, or 20 halves already missing, it's already way above my shortage ratio....which makes me wonder if their quick count exposed some silver that they pulled?.....I guess the search tonight will reveal the truth, but I'm still tickled they allowed me to buy the bag off the machine....results to follow....

oh new notto....never say die less they throw you out of the bank....makes me sick wondering how many bags went unsearched because I turned to putty when the main branch said "NO COIN !!...."


Re: My own worst enemy....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:10 pm
by 68Camaro
Good for you!

Re: My own worst enemy....

PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:40 pm
by Morsecode
Here's something that maybe ties in with your suspicion the tellers may have pulled the silver.

I opened an account at a new bank last Spring, bought one box of halves - didn't find anything - and never asked for coin again (except for cents). Anyway, I was in there a couple days ago to make a deposit, and a lady next to me was asking about buying a box of half dollars. She didn't look like the sorting type, but hey, you never know. The teller replied, "Yes, we can do that...but you'll get a bag of $500, not a box" My ears perked up a bit..."Because we open the boxes now to take out the older coins, and we don't re-roll them after"

Just thought that was interesting. The teller doing the talking said this loud enough for the branch manager to hear, so I'm guessing they do an even split on whatever they find.

Re: My own worst enemy....

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:42 am
by 68Camaro

Re: My own worst enemy....

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:54 am
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
Morsecode wrote:Here's something that maybe ties in with your suspicion the tellers may have pulled the silver.

I opened an account at a new bank last Spring, bought one box of halves - didn't find anything - and never asked for coin again (except for cents). Anyway, I was in there a couple days ago to make a deposit, and a lady next to me was asking about buying a box of half dollars. She didn't look like the sorting type, but hey, you never know. The teller replied, "Yes, we can do that...but you'll get a bag of $500, not a box" My ears perked up a bit..."Because we open the boxes now to take out the older coins, and we don't re-roll them after"

Just thought that was interesting. The teller doing the talking said this loud enough for the branch manager to hear, so I'm guessing they do an even split on whatever they find.

That makes perfect sense, really. They are a bank. They are in the money business to make profit for their benefit.

Re: My own worst enemy....

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:00 am
by hags
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
Morsecode wrote:Here's something that maybe ties in with your suspicion the tellers may have pulled the silver.

I opened an account at a new bank last Spring, bought one box of halves - didn't find anything - and never asked for coin again (except for cents). Anyway, I was in there a couple days ago to make a deposit, and a lady next to me was asking about buying a box of half dollars. She didn't look like the sorting type, but hey, you never know. The teller replied, "Yes, we can do that...but you'll get a bag of $500, not a box" My ears perked up a bit..."Because we open the boxes now to take out the older coins, and we don't re-roll them after"

Just thought that was interesting. The teller doing the talking said this loud enough for the branch manager to hear, so I'm guessing they do an even split on whatever they find.

That makes perfect sense, really. They are a bank. They are in the money business to make profit for their benefit.

Which bank management / board of directors would justify the time it takes to look through a box of halves?...You're going to pay an employee $10 an hour minimum plus benefits to look for buried silver?...Good luck making that profitable. I'd bet that's not a bank policy at all and more a teller and bank manager running a side venture.....Man could you have fun with that at the board meetings...I'd buy some shares and sit in just to ask why the local branch is sorting coins instead of pounding the pavement looking for business....


Re: My own worst enemy....

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:06 am
by hags
hags wrote:....results to follow....

Found 13 (40%)...not a single 90%...which seems kind of weird....but I'll take it...maybe they've been told to look for 64' and earlier?
I guess they were just counting the halves before I picked them up....Why invest in the fancy Talarus counting machine then?
Oh one ever said it had to make sense....


Re: My own worst enemy....

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:31 pm
by agmoose
Hey that ain't bad. Congrats.