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Half Source Bank - Now Charges $5/Box

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:44 pm
by Country
Well, I knew it was inevitable. Charges for boxes are becoming more commonplace.

I noticed someone else dumping $3000 in halves each week. I dump my pennies only at this branch because it's convenient, I never dump the halves here, but I have been getting 3 boxes of halves from them each week. I asked and found out someone was dumping $3000 of halves every week to this bank where they got them from - that's a NO,NO (I see the bags of halves on the vault floor each week when I help the tellers dump my pennies). It doesn't surprise me that the bank is going to charge $5/box after this week. Of course, I said no more halves for me. I'll be looking for another source for my halves. One nice thing - No charge to bring them coins. I think I'll become their supplier. 8-)

Re: Half Source Bank - Now Charges $5/Box

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:41 pm
by AGCoinHunter
Just supply the guy dumping the 3k each week. Take your halves, put them in a nice bag and let them give them to him. Perfect...he now searches your dump.

Re: Half Source Bank - Now Charges $5/Box

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:54 pm
by beauanderos
Country wrote:Well, I knew it was inevitable. Charges for boxes are becoming more commonplace.

As silver prices rise by multiples, even more people will think to begin searching. Our time for obtaining freebies is limited. Search hard, find fast. :?

Re: Half Source Bank - Now Charges $5/Box

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:43 am
by sdmarasso
The only reason people know to search is because idiots post on youtube and places like that advertising the fact that there is still silver in circulation. Majority of the population are dumb asses and have no idea about silver coins, when they were minted or their silver content.