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Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:00 am
by neilgin1
what a relief it is to glimpse thru the posts, there IS true cyber fellowship here.

i been "away" for a spell, another bro here, a while back told me of a prepper forum, that i might like. i went there, was a bit intrigued, signed on and started to post.

oh boy, what a ride. i TRY and treat everyone, especially on cyber platforms, as a child of God. i dont ALWAYS succeed, but i TRY. Participation on that forum was a TRUE test, as it seems to me people are just GRIPPED with fear and anger, rumors a-flying, just an ugly scene. i realize its coz people are scared, unsure of the future, because after a while, it seemed to me, that 97% of the folks, maybe 99, i dont know, were not REAL preppers, but folk that WANT to bug out, but cant....its rather sad.

plus, i'm a patriotic American, and while i dont like a lot of stuff i see going on, some these folks are writting stuff that borders on vociferous rebellion and sedition, and i like life on the down low. i'm not in the 'rebellion/sedition' crowd, i'm in the "hobbit" crowd, kinda like old "Bilbo".

the reason i wrote all this was to share with other stackers, what i found about the mindset of the "prepper", whether they be for real, or wannabe's, there is an actve pushback against including PM's, especially Ag (edit) in their prep's

yeh sure, they're all for the "3 B's" , beans bullets bandaids, but when i started writing as a "PM evangelist"...particularily Ag....holy cow! you would have thought i was some catholic priest suggesting you chain altar boys to the bunker wall....they just DONT BELIEVE stacking is wisdom, they dont believe in the concept of hard currency...MOST dont, to be fair. Even suggesting stacking "bricks of nicks"?....non starter.

and recently i was getting warnings that the 'man' has that site in their gaze, so i just demanded my profile be deleted, i cited concerns about my prior involvements, and that was that. PLEASE, for your sake, dont ask me the forum. One, i dont like to slander, gossip, and two, trust me, this is a nice cyber den of like minded individuals, who are sane (heee) and DONT need the aggravation, just coz i'm a friggin masochist.

i been nicely stacking thruout 12, got in on the Walking Liberty Roll craze (1940's BU's) at sane prices, more ASES', some 90% Kennedys, a sweet roll of my favorite Silver big deal, but the sweet thing is ....look how silver is just COILING in this band....i know it must drive you guys half crazy, but i'm telling ya, in the LONG RUN?....this horizontal banding action is the best possible thing to happen. The more suppression of the futures by God knows who, the bigger the bang, i still say, $70 first stop, then $130, then $250.

and one last thing.... i've noticed in the last month and a half, via Ebay, (yeh i know, but i like Ebay) is that i'm seeing sellers offer quality rolls, who i've NEVER seen before....this tells me something....what does it tell me?.....that people are sick of waiting for the "pop", and they either NEED or WANT FRN's they're throwing in the towel to an extent.

Happy pre-Thanksgiving to you all from the Great White North, neil

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:14 am
by Treetop
long time no see.

Glad all is well!

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:32 am
by barrytrot
Welcome back, you are entertaining and I welcome that ;)

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:50 am
by shinnosuke
Neil, it's been a coon' age since you been here, and that's too long. Welcome back.

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:18 pm
by 68Camaro
Interesting story there Neil. I tend not to think that is the typical prepper mentality, but who knows. Doesn't sound like a group I'm interested in, regardless. :)

Welcome back!

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:22 pm
by barrytrot
Neil: do you think it might have just been a plot started by your arch Nemesis here? :)

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:23 pm
by Treetop

This is a good forum to check out if your looking for something new neilgin1.

there is a large prepping section, and once youve been there awhile a politics section as well. The forum leans strongly right on most things. Good people for the most part. Its a large forum as well, so if your looking for info chances are someone there knows the topic well...

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:37 pm
by neilgin1
barrytrot wrote:Neil: do you think it might have just been a plot started by your arch Nemesis here? :)

no more nemesis's....i wanted to PM him and say, "c'mon, lets just clean slate it, be about love and respect...serious", the welcome i just got?....sweet, 68, yourself, Tree, Shinn-san, all ya'll......very heartening indeed.

Tree, no more prepper forums for me....they're getting VERY spooky........i'm not "right", nor "left"...i'm American...know what i mean?
(and if Sandy's wrath hasnt opened some eyes, vis-a-vis even the most basic preps...what can?....that was sure a tragic thing, broke my heart, see Americans in such dire straits.)

i thought Thogey would be around, i just got a book, read thru half, that he would love, its called "15 Minutes", about the early days of our strategic forces.....about darn near the scariest thing i've ever read!!! lol...he'd might like it.

in my post above?...i meant Ag...not Au!!

God bless you all and keep you, n.

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:50 pm
by OneBiteAtATime

Always a good read. Welcome back, brother.

Sandy is opening eyes.

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:50 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
I am glad you are back, Neil!

I hear ya about spoutin' off too much stuff against the powers that be. You don't want to get put on a list! :shock:

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:03 pm
by neilgin1
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:I am glad you are back, Neil!

I hear ya about spoutin' off too much stuff against the powers that be. You don't want to get put on a list! :shock:

yeh no lists......i'm a good boy, a vet, loves the smell of Thanksgiving turkey, apple pie, and likes joke! thats where i'm at, i'm not occupying nothing, aint brewing no tea....just wanna get outside and finish splitting my hickory.

glad to be back Bite and esteemed Sheikh, thanks for the welcome.

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:43 pm
by twentybux
Welcome back bro!

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:51 pm
by 68Camaro
neilgin1 my post above?...i meant Ag...not Au!!

Ah, that makes more sense for you, but I thought it quite possible that you had a secret PM that you hadn't shared here before! I was about to ask you about it. :lol:

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:18 pm
by deacon
neilgin1 wrote:
plus, i'm a patriotic American, and while i dont like a lot of stuff i see going on, some these folks are writting stuff that borders on vociferous rebellion and sedition, and i like life on the down low. i'm not in the 'rebellion/sedition' crowd, i'm in the "hobbit" crowd, kinda like old "Bilbo".

the reason i wrote all this was to share with other stackers, what i found about the mindset of the "prepper", whether they be for real, or wannabe's, there is an actve pushback against including PM's, especially Ag (edit) in their prep's

Ah, preppers. I'm all about being prudent and being able to bug out, or hunker down in an emergency, but I agree, some forums take that way too far. Life is meant to be lived. Living in fear is no life at all.

Why do they hate metal so much?

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:39 pm
by Chief
:wave: Welcome back!

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:43 pm
by Treetop
neilgin1 wrote:

Tree, no more prepper forums for me....they're getting VERY spooky........i'm not "right", nor "left"...i'm American...know what i mean?
(and if Sandy's wrath hasnt opened some eyes, vis-a-vis even the most basic preps...what can?....that was sure a tragic thing, broke my heart, see Americans in such dire straits.)

sounds like you made up your mind, so its moot now anyway... but just for clarification...

Its not spooky on the linked forum. all homesteading types. So its a way of life for many of us there. Community is good, and it can be good for the soul to be able to talk to like minded folks. the prepping section is only one section of a much large forum based around homesteading, for those of us that go past just homesteading and prep as well. You can easily learn about a full range of topics from people living the lifestyle. Not just some blog as you might deal with otherwise.

The fact it leans a bit right is only even noticeable if you venture into the politics section which is cordoned off so to speak so its easy to ignore.

Anyway. take care.

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:00 pm
by uthminsta
deacon wrote:Why do they hate metal so much?

It's an acquired taste, for sure. I remember once saying to my grandpa, "I will NEVER own gold. EVER." That was a LOOONG time ago.

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:33 pm
by Engineer
An investing forum I used to belong to had a paid troll who was a reporter for the site. She constantly stirred the pot with calls for $456 gold, and rational discussions on metals quickly degraded into fights as soon as she showed up.

I'd be surprised if the PTB didn't have a secret office of people assigned to monitor forums and disrupt PM or other hard currency discussions.

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:38 pm
by cesariojpn
neilgin1 wrote:
plus, i'm a patriotic American, and while i dont like a lot of stuff i see going on, some these folks are writting stuff that borders on vociferous rebellion and sedition, and i like life on the down low. i'm not in the 'rebellion/sedition' crowd, i'm in the "hobbit" crowd, kinda like old "Bilbo".

the reason i wrote all this was to share with other stackers, what i found about the mindset of the "prepper", whether they be for real, or wannabe's, there is an actve pushback against including PM's, especially Ag (edit) in their prep's

Lemme guess......that forum was headed by "Mr. Wayne?"

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:37 pm
by SilverDragon72
The Cyber land of hate? Yikes. Doesn't sound like a place that I would like to frequent. It is true we have a variety of opinions on different topics, but I believe that everyone should be entitled to their own opinion and not be chastised for doing so. I don't find that kind of thing here, fortunately. :thumbup:

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:05 pm
by cesariojpn
SilverDragon72 wrote:The Cyber land of hate?

Internet Hate Machine.

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:38 pm
by OtusLotus
Welcome back to the land of the sane!

Hate only breeds angry people!

I think everyone needs to stack food, water, gas, PMs, FRNs... EVERYTHING (just don't become a Hoarder.. lol)

Good luck in your prepping, and may you never need it!

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:38 pm
by frugalcanuck
Welcome back
Its always good to read your posts

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:54 pm
by everything
Here is one I like.

I avoid any website forum that might seem extremist, right/left to far in any one direction I avoid. I don't even bother mentioning PM's unless I'm on PM website. Whatever the site speciality is, that's what it's usually all about.

Re: Back from the cyber land of hate.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:30 am
by Saabman
Glad your back!