i just got a feeling they're going to crater silver.
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:55 am
been up since 0300, reading the financial wires from around the globe, looking at charts, checking auction sites, the whole works, and i cant point to any one thing but i just got this gut level feeling, that silver's going to get slammed back down to the $25-27 area, basis that charade we call the "board".
dont ask me why, i hope i'm wrong, dont trade off my gut instinct, and i do got skin in the game, though i wont go anywhere paper silver investments....its just a feeling. And thru bitter experience, i've learned i never fade my gut instinct.
want to know what "did it"?...couple things, first i was going thru the "list" of futures, everything ...that includes charts, and certain spreads, metals, of course, petrol, grains, the dollar, the euro, tropicals...everything seems to be trading deflationary, which would fly in the face of conventional wisdom, but when you have key military leaders acting like teenagers on viagra, NOTHING these days is "conventional"....disgraceful. Then the only Congressman who's a truth teller with balls, Ron Paul, said there is zero chance of any REAL legislation besides bailing wire and duct tape to deal with the branded, "fiscal cliff"...then a walk thru auction sites, and it seems to me, the "scared" money has been "reaching"...and now they are OUT of the market. Anytime guys seem to be reaching, and blowing up the premium, thats never a good sign.
and what is ALWAYS at the back of my mind....always...... is the M1 and M2 monetary 'velocity' charts. Monetary velocity is the rate that REAL FRN's in circ, course thru the 'system'...this chart, and the Baltic Dry Index (shipping) charts are downright scary, they're been going down almost vertically, meaning, little global trade a happening, stuff shipped, and it might mean folks NEED FRN's, and would value FRN's over Ag.....(and Au by default)
and with Europe scripting out their own brand of dysfunction in the mix, i get a feeling its going to be a very cold winter. Just my gut, hope i'm wrong.
dont ask me why, i hope i'm wrong, dont trade off my gut instinct, and i do got skin in the game, though i wont go anywhere paper silver investments....its just a feeling. And thru bitter experience, i've learned i never fade my gut instinct.
want to know what "did it"?...couple things, first i was going thru the "list" of futures, everything ...that includes charts, and certain spreads, metals, of course, petrol, grains, the dollar, the euro, tropicals...everything seems to be trading deflationary, which would fly in the face of conventional wisdom, but when you have key military leaders acting like teenagers on viagra, NOTHING these days is "conventional"....disgraceful. Then the only Congressman who's a truth teller with balls, Ron Paul, said there is zero chance of any REAL legislation besides bailing wire and duct tape to deal with the branded, "fiscal cliff"...then a walk thru auction sites, and it seems to me, the "scared" money has been "reaching"...and now they are OUT of the market. Anytime guys seem to be reaching, and blowing up the premium, thats never a good sign.
and what is ALWAYS at the back of my mind....always...... is the M1 and M2 monetary 'velocity' charts. Monetary velocity is the rate that REAL FRN's in circ, course thru the 'system'...this chart, and the Baltic Dry Index (shipping) charts are downright scary, they're been going down almost vertically, meaning, little global trade a happening, stuff shipped, and it might mean folks NEED FRN's, and would value FRN's over Ag.....(and Au by default)
and with Europe scripting out their own brand of dysfunction in the mix, i get a feeling its going to be a very cold winter. Just my gut, hope i'm wrong.