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An Interesting Excerpt

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:00 pm
by beauanderos

Silver’s price level is and has been artificially depressed due to JPMorgan’s concentrated short position. In addition to the negative publicity that has been attached to JPM, this concentrated paper short position has impacted the underlying host physical market in a manner that can’t be sustained. By artificially depressing the price, JPMorgan has set in motion a more powerful counter-force of stronger physical silver demand and weaker physical supply than there would have been otherwise. The artificial low price makes it a certainty that physical demand must overwhelm real silver supply and at that point, additional paper short sales by JPMorgan will not matter. If the market is demanding physical silver and that metal isn’t available, paper silver will not be accepted as a substitute. The minute that occurs, there will be a radically different price structure in silver; quite literally almost overnight. That hasn’t occurred yet, despite the long term climb in the price, but the signs are growing that we are drawing close, mainly in the form of unusually frantic movements in the big silver depositories. The important thing to remember is that regardless of how many years and decades that the silver manipulation has been in place, when it ends, it will end in a virtual instant. That’s why it’s better to be positioned early in silver, rather than late.

Ted Butler is da man! :clap: :thumbup:

Re: An Interesting Excerpt

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:35 pm
by 68Camaro
Yep, that underlies what I believe as well. I try to keep myself unbiased but I know I've been heavily influenced by Butler and his supporters, so you have to struggle to stay balanced, but it's hard to argue with the fundamentals. I believe we are non-recoverably using and disposing of silver as fast (or faster) than it can be mined, it has numerous and growing industrial uses, and is slowly retaking it's former position as a true PM. That has to send true physical demand higher while new silver is declining - price has to go up.

Re: An Interesting Excerpt

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:27 pm
by beauanderos
I've recently been gradually taking a new "the other side of the fence is greener" stance when the banksters without fathers push the prices down. The longer they stay down... the higher I can stack! Woohoo :clap: :thumbup: :lol: