scyther wrote:slvrbck wrote:Gold has seen positive results of at least 5% annually for at least the past ten years. I think over that span the average annual return is something like 19.2% If thats not a bull I dont know what is. when we get two years back to back of negative returns we'll talk.
I certainly don't deny that there was a bull market. I just wonder if it's over.
its only beginning friend. that said, could we do a sharp turn to the downside. say $26 to $15?
certainly, something most peculiar is happening in that bucketshop called Comex, open interest is unusually high, in the march 85k contracts, and silver seems locked in a trading range, as this made for CNBC drama called "The Fiscal Cliff" plays out.
Now lets say these grocery store clerks we call leaders, go off the "cliff"?....what then?
Lets say there is some sort of "agreement"...what then?....either way, its seems to me, there's an impending bank prop trading desk set up to do a bum's rush to the downside ON THE BOARD, meaning the futures. When you have QE fiat at play with a bank prop trade desk, and you're in collusion with other bank trading desks, its very easy to muscle around 85,000 can even "paint the tape", ram the price below weekly support at 26 and MAKE silver "look bearish" to a tech analyst. COMEX silver is like a cash register to these humps, has been for YEARS!
but when all is said and done, we're going to punch thru 50 and trade to the 70-80 area........the next big up is 120-135, thats where the "Hunt High" rests in 2012 dollars.....then the hyper spike, when the dollar comes to its inevitable conclusion, said spike $ that point, 500 of WHAT?...paper?
Silver, in 2012/13 is not an investment, its currency insurance, much like car insurance. One stacks physical silver at their primary dwelling, with all necessary security. An investment in my opionon is acreage with both hardwoods, pasture and water, springs...
Many say keep ready "cash" around for an emergency, i agree, but its not paper i stash...oh no, the paper IS BAD, $100 face value boxes of nickels is what i keep, each roll is a $2 bill, except the metal value equals the quick though, they are going to be debasing the nickel VERY soon into some steel clod, its been in cmtte for a spell, thank God these guys are so laden with paperwork and bureacracy.....but there will be some conclusion reached before months end.
plenty fine if you disagree, thats freedom, and i say, let freedom reign...what i wrote is how i'm playing my hand, and have been for quite a while. be well, neil