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$3 face of pre-64 halves sold to me by teller at face

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:55 pm
by Pennysaved
Mondays I usually don't have any place to pick up orders of halves or pennies. However, during my lunch today I decided to stop by one of my pick up banks to try to buy a couple boxes of dimes to sort.

The teller knows me well. I asked her if she had any dimes to sell me and she said she did. I then asked her if she had any loose halves since I knew my order wouldn't be in until later in the week.

She said yes I have some loose halves and pulled out $3 face of halves. She said she ment to call me about them. I told her I must have ESP :-)

She had a '53 Franklin and a '37, '41, '42, '43, and '44 walkers. I of course had to ask her if she had any more halves or any of the other tellers and she said no. I asked her where she got them and she said one of her customers turned them in. They told her they were tired of seeing them in their drawer at home.

I was able to buy them at face. I told her I would bring her some chocolate when I picked up my order. She said that really wasn't necessary but you know that I am going to have to for this score :-)

Of the $195 in dimes, I did find one 1960 Roosevelt silver dime.

Not bad for not planning on going to that bank today :-)

Re: $3 face of pre-64 halves sold to me by teller at face

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:13 pm
by misteroman
WOW!!! great score. made ya a quick $50
Chocolates will assure your future success as well

Re: $3 face of pre-64 halves sold to me by teller at face

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:24 pm
by Roadrunner
Zounds! It seems to me like you're always talking about tellers selling you all this silver at face...I need to meet these tellers!

Re: $3 face of pre-64 halves sold to me by teller at face

PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:35 pm
by Pennysaved
It is always younger tellers that I have befriended with candy :)

I don't think they realize the value and usually these are at banks I order so they know that I am wanting to buy all the halves I can.

To be honest, I dont think a lot of people realize the value. One time I showed a co-worked a 40% half I found and she wasn't too impressed. She said to me "I wouldn't know what to do with that; like how to cash it in"