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HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:31 pm
by neilgin1
the following story is huge, imo.

China now buys more gold than the Western world. With the global monetary system in a state of flux - with many nations creating bilateral and multilateral trade agreements to trade in non-dollar currencies, including gold - emerging market central banks see gold — the oldest existing form of money — as an insurance policy against unpredictable changes, and as a way to win global monetary influence. As Zhang Jianhua of the People’s Bank of China said: "No asset is safe now. The only choice to hedge risks is to hold hard currency - gold."

Zhang's not EXACTLY trash talking the dollar, but..........The Chinese and the "BRIC's" stack for exactly the same reason i do, in my lil guy way: quote, "as an insurance policy against unpredictable changes"......i think we're all in good company, the Chinese are smart, crafty.

here's the whole article: ... dent-china

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:43 pm
by 68Camaro
Yep, with the Indians backing off a bit due to their currency at all time highs in gold, the reds are not only the largest miners (all of which stays there) but the largest importers.

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:39 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
Just a few years ago, China was a net exporter of gold and silver. Then they saw the light. Now they not only keep all that is mined in China, they may be the world's largest importer of gold and silver.

Who can blame them? What else are they going to do with all the fiat FRN's they got laying around??! Trillions, isn't it?

IF I could, I would buy up all sorts of raw commodities with the pallets of FRN they have. Gold & Silver, of course. Copper, Platinum Group metals, Rare Earth Metals, Uranium Yellow Cake, and I would do it in a hurry, too.

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:16 am
by johnbrickner
China is not only buying the resources, they are going straight to the source buying the mines, farms, etc., not just worldwide but especially in our backyard.

According to the China Customs data, in 2006, the trade volume between China and Latin America reached 70.22 billion
dollars, a 39.1% growth over the previous year (such as iron ore, coal and soybean from Brazil and Argentina is showing
a clear upward trend). China is the second largest user of the Panama Canal.

China is preparing to increase this trade. Military analysts were worried about what the final handover of the Panama Canal in 2000 might mean if Chinese companies got a foothold there. Many did, setting up warehouses.

China's Development Bank is prepared to spend $7.6 billion to build a whole new railroad "dry canal" on the Colombian side of the Panama isthmus for the China Railway Group to ship goods from Asia to the Atlantic side of the fast-growing South American continent.

Additionally, with the 8 year $5.25 billion expansion of the Panama canal the ultimate winner, will be China. When the work is finished, the canal will be navigable by tankers with capacity of a million barrels of crude oil. This, will open new routes whereby oil and mineral resources from West Africa can be taken directly to China -- deepening political bonds that Beijing has carefully fostered in that region.

Goldman Sachs believes the new canal could play a pivotal role in its Bric (Brazil, Russia, India, China) investments as a channel directly linking the Chinese and Brazilian markets. It is estimated the expanded canal will further reduce the cost of China's products by up to 30%

China exposes Brazil’s vulnerabilities more than any other country in the world, a direct result of land-buying by China. This includes huge land grabs in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, including China’s attempt to lease about three million acres in the Philippines. All this has alarmed Brazilian officials.

Luís Inácio Adams, Brazil’s attorney general, reinterpreted a 1971 law, making it significantly harder for foreigners to buy land in Brazil. Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, followed suit sending a law to Congress limiting the size and concentration of rural land foreigners could own.

One need not wonder what they are doing with all their FRNs. One only need to expand their awareness and see. But most do not want to look.

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:05 pm
by neilgin1
johnbrickner wrote:China is not only buying the resources, they are going straight to the source buying the mines, farms, etc., not just worldwide but especially in our backyard.

According to the China Customs data, in 2006, the trade volume between China and Latin America reached 70.22 billion
dollars, a 39.1% growth over the previous year (such as iron ore, coal and soybean from Brazil and Argentina is showing
a clear upward trend). China is the second largest user of the Panama Canal.

China is preparing to increase this trade. Military analysts were worried about what the final handover of the Panama Canal in 2000 might mean if Chinese companies got a foothold there. Many did, setting up warehouses.

China's Development Bank is prepared to spend $7.6 billion to build a whole new railroad "dry canal" on the Colombian side of the Panama isthmus for the China Railway Group to ship goods from Asia to the Atlantic side of the fast-growing South American continent.

Additionally, with the 8 year $5.25 billion expansion of the Panama canal the ultimate winner, will be China. When the work is finished, the canal will be navigable by tankers with capacity of a million barrels of crude oil. This, will open new routes whereby oil and mineral resources from West Africa can be taken directly to China -- deepening political bonds that Beijing has carefully fostered in that region.

Goldman Sachs believes the new canal could play a pivotal role in its Bric (Brazil, Russia, India, China) investments as a channel directly linking the Chinese and Brazilian markets. It is estimated the expanded canal will further reduce the cost of China's products by up to 30%

China exposes Brazil’s vulnerabilities more than any other country in the world, a direct result of land-buying by China. This includes huge land grabs in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, including China’s attempt to lease about three million acres in the Philippines. All this has alarmed Brazilian officials.

Luís Inácio Adams, Brazil’s attorney general, reinterpreted a 1971 law, making it significantly harder for foreigners to buy land in Brazil. Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, followed suit sending a law to Congress limiting the size and concentration of rural land foreigners could own.

One need not wonder what they are doing with all their FRNs. One only need to expand their awareness and see. But most do not want to look.

John, you wrote the above analysis?....if so, you got a facile pen and a fine mind, my brother. You do 'this' professionally, dont you?

nice. My worry, my concern, is that within all this, lays the seeds of war. The sad thing is, we dont HAVE to fight the Chinese, and they dont HAVE to fight us.....BUT, testosterone is a beast, and i dont care whether said alpha male in power is Asian or American, they/we feel the need to prove dominance. That need is a very slippery slope we do NOT want to go.

Long view? strategic? We do NOT want war with China, (and thats not a "Neville Chamberlain" warning) such an enterprise would be disaster. Really nice post you wrote, i didnt know that about Brazil and Argentina. Thank you for that info, respectfully, neil

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:37 pm
by agmoose
John, as Neil points out, very well said. I didn't know about China's rail plans at the canal, but am quite aware of how much real estate they are buying here in the US. Its an alarming amount.

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:43 pm
by neilgin1
Look what i just "found" over at "sgtreport"

So China and Japan are both threatening conflict in their fairly brutal ongoing argument over a few tiny disputed islands (and their mineral rights).............The first critical point to note is that both countries’ leadership are increasingly hawkish in tone and character. China is in many ways seeking to establish itself on the world stage as a global military and economic powerhouse. Countries seeking to establish themselves on the global stage have traditionally sought out conflict. Japan is an ideal candidate for Chinese hostility. There is a lot of resentment — Japan’s invasion and occupation of Manchuria was brutal, and filled with war crimes (war crimes that the Japanese continue to deny). But more than that, Japan is an American protectorate, dotted with American bases, and subject to a mutual defence treaty. If China is to eclipse the United States as a global superpower, China must be able to show that she can impose her will on America.

full article: ... -conflict/

i hope these are just war rumblings, and nothing more......can you imagine, a global conflagration over a few small islands?

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:51 pm
by ZenOps
The US wants China to spend some of its dollars so that they don't have to pay as much in interest anymore.

And China is definitely spending a lot more in the last few years than ever before.

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:09 am
by johnbrickner
neilgin1 wrote:John, you wrote the above analysis?....if so, you got a facile pen and a fine mind, my brother. You do 'this' professionally, dont you?

nice. My worry, my concern, is that within all this, lays the seeds of war. The sad thing is, we dont HAVE to fight the Chinese, and they dont HAVE to fight us.....BUT, testosterone is a beast, and i dont care whether said alpha male in power is Asian or American, they/we feel the need to prove dominance. That need is a very slippery slope we do NOT want to go.

Long view? strategic? We do NOT want war with China, (and thats not a "Neville Chamberlain" warning) such an enterprise would be disaster. Really nice post you wrote, i didnt know that about Brazil and Argentina. Thank you for that info, respectfully, neil


Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you like it. However, none of the work is mine save for the putting it together. I tape stinking athletes' feet for a living. But education gave me a good knack for reviewing the literature on a subject, digging for what I am looking for, then cleaning it up and dovetailing it all together. The above taken maybe from five different sources give or take. Perhaps I should have listed my resources.

My best work tends to have the ability to get to the gut of my target market (persuasive) and was done when I was organizing for the LP in MA.
See: for an example after the glory days.

Also Neil, a resources war seems to be a senario predicted by some regarding our future. I'll see what I can come up with on that subject.

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:40 am
by neilgin1
johnbrickner wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:John, you wrote the above analysis?....if so, you got a facile pen and a fine mind, my brother. You do 'this' professionally, dont you?

nice. My worry, my concern, is that within all this, lays the seeds of war. The sad thing is, we dont HAVE to fight the Chinese, and they dont HAVE to fight us.....BUT, testosterone is a beast, and i dont care whether said alpha male in power is Asian or American, they/we feel the need to prove dominance. That need is a very slippery slope we do NOT want to go.

Long view? strategic? We do NOT want war with China, (and thats not a "Neville Chamberlain" warning) such an enterprise would be disaster. Really nice post you wrote, i didnt know that about Brazil and Argentina. Thank you for that info, respectfully, neil


Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you like it. However, none of the work is mine save for the putting it together. I tape stinking athletes' feet for a living. But education gave me a good knack for reviewing the literature on a subject, digging for what I am looking for, then cleaning it up and dovetailing it all together. The above taken maybe from five different sources give or take. Perhaps I should have listed my resources.

My best work tends to have the ability to get to the gut of my target market (persuasive) and was done when I was organizing for the LP in MA.
See: for an example after the glory days.

Also Neil, a resources war seems to be a senario predicted by some regarding our future. I'll see what I can come up with on that subject.

John, as far as what you do for a living, i want to write two thing to you, ALL labor is honorable, and what you DO for a living, has nothing to do with the mind you possess.....which i believe is a fine analytical mind. i believe we should always, as possible, encourage and build one another up, especially in these days, when so much energy is spent tearing others down.

tearing people down is just unwholesome and ignoble behavior, as i see it. so, i hope you count me as a friend, albeit a new one, and over this impersonal medium, respectfully, neil're a libertarian!!! good show mate....too bad empire has its claws sunk so deeply into the national soul......empire doesnt like libertarians,.......look at the totally disrespectful way they treated Congressmen Ron Paul via their hirelings, mainstream media....sad, but we lose not hope, ever.

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:59 am
by neilgin1
i just read an article i want to share with you all, which i urge everyone to read, and when you're done with it, ask yourself this question,

Do i want myself and my family and children to be vassals/slaves of the Peoples Republic of China?

Does China Plan To Establish “China Cities” And “Special Economic Zones” All Over America? ... er-america

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:04 pm
by johnbrickner
neilgin1 wrote:
johnbrickner wrote:Neil:

<snip> I tape stinking athletes' feet for a living. <snip>
My best work tends to have the ability to get to the gut of my target market (persuasive) and was done when I was organizing for the LP in MA.
See: for an example after the glory days.

Also Neil, a resources war seems to be a senario predicted by some regarding our future. I'll see what I can come up with on that subject.

John, as far as what you do for a living, i want to write two thing to you, ALL labor is honorable, and what you DO for a living, has nothing to do with the mind you possess.....which i believe is a fine analytical mind. i believe we should always, as possible, encourage and build one another up, especially in these days, when so much energy is spent tearing others down.

tearing people down is just unwholesome and ignoble behavior, as i see it. so, i hope you count me as a friend, albeit a new one, and over this impersonal medium, respectfully, neil're a libertarian!!! good show mate....too bad empire has its claws sunk so deeply into the national soul......empire doesnt like libertarians,.......look at the totally disrespectful way they treated Congressmen Ron Paul via their hirelings, mainstream media....sad, but we lose not hope, ever.


Not to worry, the "I tape stinking . . ." is a quote I used to use when I was recruiting college aged youth and shy individuals to get across the opportunity that exists within the party. It went something like "Imagine a guy like me who tapes stinking . . . state party Chairman, Only in America and the LP is this Possible!"

I am only registered Republican so I could vote Ron in the primaries. Not sure how I would align myself now-a-days.

Also, I've been lurking your posts for sometime now. I like the way you think and yes, have considered myself to be on your side often.

Regarding the Empire, it's only a matter of time. Those in power will hang onto it as long as they can. The feeding at the trough, entitlements, and continued expansion of govt is unsustainable. In fact, economic growth as we currently define it is unsustainable and will not happen in the future as the entire system is based on debt & cheap oil. Now that we passed peak oil production worldwide and have experienced the associated worldwide spike in price as a result, and add to this we as a world are maxing out the amount of debt all can carry, we can see economic growth as all countries are looking for and working towards will not happen. At best, politically the only government the population can carry is a small decentralized one.

The best thing I think that could happen to the world is for America, China, Russia and Europe to decentralize/deunion to the maximum size of states or regions. Then each region works toward it's own sustainable self-sufficency. While I have not looked into the details, virtually no region would be able to attain this status in all areas (food, energy production, technology, resources, population stability, etc.). This burdens each to interdependency between the regions and hopefully if there are conflicts over resources they will be way smaller scale than a China vs America one.

Another possibility is the Orwellian perpetual war that could be agreed upon by the ruling elite of the Eastern and Western Empires to dispose of the excess populations that will be/are unsustainable due to decreasing food production (yes, world grain production has peaked also).

"but we lose not hope, ever" Neil

Re: HUGE NEWS- China stacks more than US (us)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:17 pm
by neilgin1
nice post John......nice. i THINK.........that this

Another possibility is the Orwellian perpetual war that could be agreed upon by the ruling elite of the Eastern and Western Empires to dispose of the excess populations that will be/are unsustainable due to decreasing food production (yes, world grain production has peaked also).

is what they may WANT...or aim for, BUT, we now have the wild card of nuclear weaponry in the mix, so such wicked designs, like described could backfire on these children of the devil.

stay strong my brother, neil