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New Use for Gold-diagnostic tattoo

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:10 pm
by JadeDragon

This smart tattoo will alert everyone when you become ill

This just in from the Coolest Thing Ever department: Princeton engineering professor Michael McAlpine is well on his way to developing a temporary smart tattoo that can not only sense when the wearer has become ill, but it will also call for help. The tattoo, made of gold and silk, can connect to computers via Wi-Fi. It could potentially detect bacterial infections and other maladies and then call for help online. McAlpine was inspired by the story of a woman who was able to communicate her condition to first-responders during an asthma attack because she had the word "asthma" tattooed on her arm.

Re: New Use for Gold-diagnostic tattoo

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:10 pm
by OtusLotus
Pretty cool! In the picture, it looks like the tattoo is on a tooth! Now where have I seen gold on teeth before?