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How many skunk boxes should I go through before I give up?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:54 am
by scyther
I lost track of how many it is at this point... I think this was the sixth box of halves I've searched without finding so much as a single 40%. It's getting to be a waste of time, and I'd rather do more dimes since they've been consistently worthwhile. But the first two boxes were really good, so in a way I don't want to give up yet... how many do you think I should go through before giving up and just doing dimes and nickels?

Re: How many skunk boxes should I go through before I give u

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:16 am
by Chief
It is really up to you. I know I am pretty close to my breaking point. Last two weeks, 32 boxes, have been skunky. If it goes on to three weeks, I am done.
Good luck out there!

Re: How many skunk boxes should I go through before I give u

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:26 am
by dakota1955
Just take a break from halves. Do your dimes and then go back to halves later.

Re: How many skunk boxes should I go through before I give u

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:45 am
by knibloe
I got 50+ in a box right around the beginning of the year.

Since then, I have only gotten 1-40% in the last 6 weeks. I am about to quit as well. Especially, since my bank (not my normal branch) has asked to see my drivers license 2 twice in the last 3 weeks of dumping. Yesterday the woman told me three times not to bring any more in and I have never been to that branch before. My thought was if I stop bringing these in, I will stop bringing my paycheck in for direct deposit as well.

Re: How many skunk boxes should I go through before I give u

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:30 pm
by OtusLotus
This is the way that I would look at it...

If you expect to find, lets say 5 silver coins in a box. You get 25 in your first 2 boxes, you can expect your next few boxes to be skunks. In the end, it will always come out to the average.

You just have to keep plugging away... or you can stop! and then I can get that good box!

Re: How many skunk boxes should I go through before I give u

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:08 pm
by BamaJoe
It really just depends on how persistant you want to be. I've gone thru several 20+ skunk streaks and plenty of batches of 10 finding just 1 or 2. It just makes those good days all the sweeter. Now being honest, my yields over 1280 boxes do show a steady curve downward and the day will come that I have to say it's time to call it a day. Of course whether or not I do quit depends on how stong that pull is for just one more killer box. :lol:

Re: How many skunk boxes should I go through before I give u

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:11 pm
by scyther
OtusLotus wrote:This is the way that I would look at it...

If you expect to find, lets say 5 silver coins in a box. You get 25 in your first 2 boxes, you can expect your next few boxes to be skunks. In the end, it will always come out to the average.

You just have to keep plugging away... or you can stop! and then I can get that good box!

Ah, you're quite optimistic. My first box had 5 40% and 1 90%. My second had 2 90%. I was quite pleased by this. I would love to find 5 silver coins average, even if they were all 40%...