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$26 is going to hold in the silver.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:17 pm
by neilgin1
without a shadow of a doubt.

i know....."an opinion", yes yes. but i am absolutely certain, that support at 26 will hold. in fact, i dont think we go much south of here.

thankfully, i've never been cursed with a lust for money. God has always, always made sure i;ve had enough, and for i am thankful, nut tell you what...this is one of the few times, i wish i had a net worth in 500 mln dollar range, because Monday, it would be game on.

this is not emotion, not doing "my part" for silver,its just cold blooded disppassionate feel and analysis, and Monday, early, 0200......we start, only in the March...wait till the boys start to step on the market, and leave 5 and 10 load orders resting a $1 below the close, with the ultimate of buying March futures in NUMBERS and standing for delivery.

do you remember when we were headed to $50.....we werent there, but i read that a group of mid level "raptor" hedge funds, were nig longs and had full intention of taking delivery......and did you ever see the letter they were give? (i have it stashed somewhere on this HD)

basically the letter said, (market was low 40's) "we will settle with you for $50 cash per toz, silver, and if you dont take this offer, we'll default, leaving you last in line as unsecured creditors, take it or leave it".

they took the 50 was a nice score. i heard they had been buyers on the break out, which i THINK was 22 at the time.

but this time, in this little fantasy of mine...(in fact, why not "play"...why not?.....i'm going to open a new thread line, call it "Raptor Fund"...if three to five guys want to hire on as "traders"......10% partners, coz thats what you're compensation will be..if want to "play", just have futures trading experience.....or even experience trading physical silver)

this fantasy of mine would be to stand for March delivery, 300 millon dollars of silver, and start buying right here, call their bluff, and if they send a letter, "take X amount of FRNs and go away", i'd start lawyering on Monday, (as well as making a call to hire a security team of 8 ex-Royal Marine commando's, for personal security....think thats paranoid? hmm? Pull something like this, and you suddenly are at great rosk for a "heart attack", or a "auto accident" "Matt Simmons")

lawyering up , because basically it be standing for delivery of 7.5 mln toz of silver, the deilvery month limit is 1500 contracts....

26 is going to hold....neil (lets if i'm wrong)