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Pretty Cool Barber Score!

Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:08 pm
by Robarons
I have always had an interest of barber coinage and try to buy them in somewhat decent condition when the dealers in my area throw them in the melt pile. Some finds I have gotten were 1909-D dime for $1 when it was 10x face and it books hear $9- good enough for me. I find these coins more interesting than a 1964 rosie even with wear.
Well today at one of my local dealers I come in to buy some 90%. Hes kinda pricey- 22x face for 90%, so I only buy a couple barbers. One caught my eye, a 1893-S Barber Half. I have learned that barbers with mintmarks tend to have some numis value so I pick it up for $11.
I get home and this sucker books at $155 in 'Good' with a low mintage. This made my day. It does have alot of wear but its still cool. He has been dealer with a storefront for 20 years and has expensive coins and must have ignored it when he put it there. It kills me when this happens- why dont they know better?
Also got a 1904-P half which was a dud- most barbers are, but this one time was the exception!
Re: Pretty Cool Barber Score!

Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:24 pm
by appjoe
Robarons wrote:I have always had an interest of barber coinage and try to buy them in somewhat decent condition when the dealers in my area throw them in the melt pile. Some finds I have gotten were 1909-D dime for $1 when it was 10x face and it books hear $9- good enough for me. I find these coins more interesting than a 1964 rosie even with wear.
Well today at one of my local dealers I come in to buy some 90%. Hes kinda pricey- 22x face for 90%, so I only buy a couple barbers. One caught my eye, a 1893-S Barber Half. I have learned that barbers with mintmarks tend to have some numis value so I pick it up for $11.
I get home and this sucker books at $155 in 'Good' with a low mintage. This made my day. It does have alot of wear but its still cool. He has been dealer with a storefront for 20 years and has expensive coins and must have ignored it when he put it there. It kills me when this happens- why dont they know better?
Also got a 1904-P half which was a dud- most barbers are, but this one time was the exception!
Congrats on a nice find.
I too like the Barbers and check them out also. The place where I get my 90%er's from sells Walkers and Franklins halves at $9.00 but his Barbers are $9.50 I always check them out to see if he has any that aren't worn to bad. Last week he didn't have any barber halves but he had some barber quarters for $4.50 ea. and I bought 4 real nice ones.
Re: Pretty Cool Barber Score!

Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:39 pm
by misteroman
^^^^^UMMMMMM can you pick me up all he has and I'll send ya a MO or PP gift?? I'll even throw ya in a few extra bucks for your troubles
Re: Pretty Cool Barber Score!

Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:52 pm
by aloneibreak
that is a heck of a deal
i enjoy barbers as well
ive been working on my barber quarter set for a few years now
i know i'll never finish it, but its fun to locate good deals on full rim coins
Re: Pretty Cool Barber Score!

Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:49 pm
by Lgsilver
Well Done!
Re: Pretty Cool Barber Score!

Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:47 pm
by twentybux
Nice find! Congrats!
Re: Pretty Cool Barber Score!

Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:40 pm
by Roadrunner
WOW appjoe that is a nice deal! Buy it up!
Re: Pretty Cool Barber Score!

Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:42 pm
by uthminsta
I was thinking about putting some of my worn out Barbers on here on auction... hmmm.....