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Thoughts on stacking foriegn junk silver

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:08 am
by Rastatodd
Was wondering about the logic of collecting/stacking foreign silver, not the traditional .90 US junk but say coins from Mexico-.720, Venezuela-.835, Australia-.925, Canada-.800. I'm finding the premiums for US junk to really be getting out of hand. When it comes time to sell would it be hard to sell foreign junk. I feel if I can get these coins say for less than melt by at least 20% it would be worth stacking. Your thoughts would be appreciated in guiding this lost soul. Thanks. :thumbup:

Re: Thoughts on stacking foriegn junk silver

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:20 am
by AGgressive Metal
If you are getting them at 80% of melt then by all means, provided they are 50% or higher purity. Even if you ended up just sending them to the refinery you aren't going to be charged 20% so far as I know. Silver is silver, especially if it spikes really high. As for SHTF barter, they aren't going to be as liquid due to widespread ignorance, but neither are numismatics or exotic metals but I think most people aren't only stacking for doomsday, they are trying to just preserve/increase wealth over the long term.

Re: Thoughts on stacking foriegn junk silver

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:22 am
by blackrabbit
I'd buy them for 80% melt.

Re: Thoughts on stacking foriegn junk silver

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:29 am
by Rastatodd
Thanks AGgressive. I am looking long term nest egg. With being three months into 2013 and silver hung up in the mid to upper twenties I need to stack as much as possible with the funds available. I'm not the type of stacker that can plunk down cash for a roll of US junk at a time. I need to find as much as possible with little or no premuim. Now with eBay US junk is commanding crazy premiums and is not a source for that type of silver for me. Just looking for options.

Re: Thoughts on stacking foriegn junk silver

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:54 am
by Thogey
I thought there was some decent relpies on this subject here

Re: Thoughts on stacking foriegn junk silver

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:16 pm
by Nickelmeister
Check my tagline. I'll buy all of your Canadian junk silver for 90% or spot all day long.