Z00 wrote:
What are your plans for "Zero Hour"?
Z00 wrote:As long as they leave the silver here for us peasants. But even the asian's are recognizing the high price of gold and turning to silver. When Zero Hour occurs, the price of gold will skyrocket overnight and it may start to get hard to get change for a silver dime.
A question for everyone:
What are your plans for "Zero Hour"?
CLINT-THE-GREAT wrote:http://dailyreckoning.com/sorry-no-gold-today-we-sent-it-to-china/
-The Great
Z00 wrote:neil .. very good post.
My question about Zero Hour was mainly about the event that forces the Comex to default on the delivery of gold and/or silver. Some country or individual will demand delivery and there will not be enough physical available to fill the order and they will offer a cash settlement instead.
The repercussions may well spread across many items, as you have mentioned. That is why a great many of us on this forum are preparing to be self reliant. We can stock up on food, off grid supplies etc. But what about purchasing power. Being able to barter is fine if you have thought of EVERYTHING that you will possibly need.
I read an article a while back where the author made the statement that he didn't need to have anything but beans, bullets and band-aids. He said that if you didn't have what you needed it was your "failure to plan." I wish I was as all knowing as he felt he was.
When the PM prices spiral out of sight and the dollar tanks, what is the amount of PM's you will need to have stacked.?
My feeling is that this must be measured in ounces. The figure that comes to mind is the equivalent of 1 years income. If you have an income of 15,000 or 150,000, you're stack should equal the current dollar value of a year's income.
While I personally am no where close to that lofty goal, I can imagine a few here that may be.
Meanwhile, I strive in that direction, along with all the other "preps" mentioned. You'll notice that I do not sell anything on here, I do not buy numi items, my focus is buying at spot for stacking. If I get an item that has any numi value, I do not even consider it. When the SHTF all numi value will go out the window. The only thing of interest will be "how much does it weigh."
'Nuff said for now. (1 finger typing is tiresome) Any insights or comments?
68Camaro wrote:Good info. Consistent with many other reports.
I'm a bottom line guy. Bottom line notes:
non-Western Central Banks are buying Gold (though it's unclear from whom).
Most Western Banks have stopped open selling. What goes on in the background however, is uncertain. Is the US selling gold? Who knows.
US can't deliver a trivial (for Central Bank levels) amount back to Germany in less than 7 years.
China is producing and buying more than rest of world put together, and keeping it all.
No one but China knows how much gold China has, but some quick math suggests they may be at 5000+ tons and accelerating.
China has indicated a desire to get to a Gold standard with their currency and break from the US.
China is working plans to do improve their gold reserve without overly disrupting the $1T in US that they own (or owned).
They are selling or trading away US T-bills, quietly, and have stopped accumulating T-bills.
When COMEX goes down they will simply default. Anyone not in a chair when the music stops will be sucking air.
Markets will crash - but the DOW is still being supported, so until the day that starts, the DOW will appear to be solid. But it will crash when the bottom is pulled out from under it.
Z00 wrote:There is nothing we can do in the present environment to effect any change. All you can do right now is actively prepare yourself and those you value. and, as camaro pointed out in another post, that has reached the CRITICAL stage.
Unfortunately, it will have to get worse before the masses will see the need for a forced change.
ZenOps wrote:The US supposedly holds about 8500 tonnes.
But I'd bet people would be surprised at how much Canada has.
Wait for it...
3.4 Tonnes for the entirety of Canada.
ZenOps wrote:The US supposedly holds about 8500 tonnes.
But I'd bet people would be surprised at how much Canada has.
Wait for it...
3.4 Tonnes for the entirety of Canada.
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