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what does it mean, when you dont win an auction,and.........

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:58 pm
by neilgin1
you're not bummed out?

which just happened to me. lost a roll of 74-s Ike 40% Proofs at 235.00.

and i'm not bummed at all, why not?

Its not because i believe we're headed lower.

i do use revolving credit to buy, because i do NOT want pay pal linked to my primary checking account, and every cycle i pay over 10% of the total balance. i think i wasnt bummed because i instinctively reached that level where i would prefer to pay down balances further, than i would desire to buy more rolls on 23 Mar.

Maybe on 23 Jun, the 2nd quarter, i might feel different, then again, maybe not...which ties into Ray's "weak hands/strong hands" theory....

OR, consider this, maybe i've reached a level where i feel comfortable that if, God forbid, we went "Zimbabwe", i wouldnt have to comb hill and dale for a deer bone to suck marrow out of.....(oh good grief!! thats some greasy imagery....ahhahah)

i think its both, and if i'm not bummed at NOT buying, then i shouldnt be buying.....does that make sense?

another reason, the 73 and 74 S Ike dollars have a unique attribute, and one that isnt that swell. The Mint in all its wisdom .....minted Proofs in both cupro-nickel clad, and 40% silver...the tell being the weight: 22.6 gms for clad, 24.6 gms for 40%'s.(and yes, sometimes you CAN see the sandwich, but i do have a 73-S Ike Proof with no sandwich visible, but weighs 22.6 gms)

Its not an ideal situation me....much like this news of more extensive Chinese counterfeiting of 90% silver US coinage than previously estimated or thought. For hard currency to be hard, there has to be no doubts. Thats why i presume we stack, because holding frn's seems to be fraught with doubt, ie, from 1913 to 2013 a dollar sheds 97% of its worth?...eeeegads, no wonder the powers that be, gave Congressman Ron Paul very little chance to be heard, as we know his stance on the fed reserve, and what national currency should have as its foundations.

just random thoughts. n.