beauanderos wrote:good article, thanks for posting it Neil. There's a reason that the most readily expendable players in chess are referred to as mere pawns... a synonym for people? Depositors?
68Camaro wrote:Still looking at what is now 6 months to 3 years before things crumble.
I'm hoping for longer than shorter for the same reasons as you Neil. However I'm telling the people I know to try to have their personal minimums in place (if they don't already) by end of summer, then build from there.
TPTB are masters at keeping this going but there are growing signs of more and more plates starting to wobble, and them having more and more trouble keeping them re-spun. I expect to see major cracks by 2015 which be so unrepairable they will go unstable and grow despite continued efforts to correct.
Personally, if the full crisis can be delayed until mid-2016 then I will be able to pull my 401K, which I will then do. That's my last major asset over which I have some near-term semblance of eventual control, which I haven't yet acted on (or been able to). I'm stuck in that asset until then, without quiting my job to exit the 401K, which would make no sense. (It makes no sense to give up X amount of income to save X amount of 401K, and I can't even begin to find another replacement job that pays even a fraction of what I'm getting now.)
SilverEye wrote:I really don't think things are inevitably going to crater. The situation we are in now is still very reversible; I'm banking on it because a huge part of net worth is in my (very diversified) 401k and IRA's. But things may get worse before they get better, or they might not get better. So I stack silver, buy guns and hoard ammo also.
68Camaro wrote:Ooh that's interesting! Yeah, I saw that the leading bank had more branches in Russia than Cyprus, but hadn't heard they had stayed open!
shinnosuke wrote:68Camaro wrote:Ooh that's interesting! Yeah, I saw that the leading bank had more branches in Russia than Cyprus, but hadn't heard they had stayed open!
Same for the London branches of Bank of Cyprus (#1 in terms of deposits and bad assets) and Laiki (#2). This exercise is merely prologue. The rule of law is gone, as if we needed any more reminders of this since Corzine's vaporization trick. Depositor haircuts...coming soon to a JPMChaseBoAWellsFargoHSBCCitibank near you.
beauanderos wrote:And 401K nationalizations... and home mortgage deduction loss, and, and, and
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