a plain jane roll of BU 64 Kennedys trades at $307

on the surface, that would be a "so what?"....but you look at that crooked joke they call the comex, silver trading between 28 and 29.....then you go into the REAL market....Ebay, 90%'ers.....and this Kennedy 64 Roll, which i call "plain jane" was really a BU roll......7.23 toz of silver trades at 307......and that ROUGHLY prices silver at $43 an ounce...YES, of course, we're talking retail, fractionalized silver....and that 307 is NOT an anamoly....Franklins NOW are regularly trading 40's times face...50's era solid date rolls.
and i havent seen that many rolls of 40% Kennedy's (1965-70)....i do thank God, that during the 2nd thru 4th quarter of 2011, i probably bought a majority of Kenn 40 rolls, that were even offered, that was right after the run to 50, and believe or not, i wasnt paying toohigh premium....THAT is what drew me to them....before that, i sniffed at them, until i saw there was little interest, and the fact each coin contains almost a fifth of an ounce of silver...AND even in a circ state, there's not a TREMENDOUS amount wear at all...now, you rarely see them....
,,,and i always watch, every 90 and 40 roll that comes down the pike on Ebay, just to see where they trade. i made a personal desicion, i have NO control over what organizations much larger than myself DO, like say, the Fed, which is our central bank, the gummint, Treasury, the whole lot of them......i cant control THEM...obviously...none of us can, right?....BUT, it was at that moment, i realized, i can control myself, (lol...yes i can) and everything up on this acreage. (not the weather, and not God, but He's in control overall, Which is Good, but He also dispenses any wisdom or revelation we have......these is a such a case)
so just thinking, while laying bed, last week, i decided I am going to be MY OWN CENTRAL BANK....that might, at first blush, seem stupid, but just hear me. You see these poor folks in Cyprus, lining up outside ATMS for a LIMITED amount of PAPER fiat...money, right?....THEY had trusted an institution, that betrayed that trust....a bank...or the banks, banking system, Central bankers....and now they have lost control of anything, totally at the mercy of forces and institutions, way beyond their power.
So, i look at their situation, and derive a lesson from that, and came to an enormous revelation.start thinking of myself, and family up here, LIKE A NATION....(and i'm NOT talking that 'sovereign citizen" stuff, that, imho, is just asking to be banged)
Remember how we all said to each other, "we gotta keep an amount of cash around in case of any contingency"..? remember?
as Chairman of the "CBON" (Central bank of.....neil...LOL) i'm of the opinion that holding PAPER fiat will not be the policy of this bank, the currency reserves held will be in the lowly nickel, specifically $100 face value boxes of fifty rolls, $2 each, a 75/25 cupro-nickel coin which has maintained instrinsic value, based on 2012 revenues, CBON current holdings equal approx 1.5% of yearly revenues. With that in mind, CBON will endeavor to take this figure of currency holdings up to 4-5% of yearly revenues by the end of 3rd quarter 2013, and a target of increasing said currency holdings by 1% very quarter, until debasement....at which time, new currency accumulations will be 2%, every quarter, laymens terms.......at that time, i get bricks of nickels to rip open every one of those fifty $2 rolls to dig out the "old" 75/25 nickels, and return the "new" debased nickel, until it appears this effort is just a waste of time.
Since CBON PM holdings equal over 120% of yearly revenue, attention will be paid to taking the amount of short term debt, which equals 22% of yearly revenues, said debt accumululated to purchase PM holdings, and by the end of 4th quarter 2013 taking this figure down to 10% of yearly revenue...with the aim of short term debt being 0% of yearly revenues by 2nd to 3rd quarter 2014, while maintaining PM holdings at the current levels, such % levels can be confidently be assumed in real dollar terms, to possibly increase to 160 to 220% of yearly revenues. Held currency reserves should equal at the very least 6% of yearly revenues at the end of FY2013.
based on these projections, the CBON projects for the end of FY2013
PM holdings----120% plus of YR
Short Term debt-----10% of YR
Currency reserves----6% of YR
defense spending will remain flat in FY2013. Agriculture spending will increase to 2% of 2013 yearly revenues, which includes the new sheep fold and livestock, plus a new greenhouse. Expenditures will be offset by the end of FY2013.
You see?......be your "Central Bank"....its a liberating feeling...just give it a try!
most fondly yours, neil Chairman, CBON (laughing!)
and i havent seen that many rolls of 40% Kennedy's (1965-70)....i do thank God, that during the 2nd thru 4th quarter of 2011, i probably bought a majority of Kenn 40 rolls, that were even offered, that was right after the run to 50, and believe or not, i wasnt paying toohigh premium....THAT is what drew me to them....before that, i sniffed at them, until i saw there was little interest, and the fact each coin contains almost a fifth of an ounce of silver...AND even in a circ state, there's not a TREMENDOUS amount wear at all...now, you rarely see them....
,,,and i always watch, every 90 and 40 roll that comes down the pike on Ebay, just to see where they trade. i made a personal desicion, i have NO control over what organizations much larger than myself DO, like say, the Fed, which is our central bank, the gummint, Treasury, the whole lot of them......i cant control THEM...obviously...none of us can, right?....BUT, it was at that moment, i realized, i can control myself, (lol...yes i can) and everything up on this acreage. (not the weather, and not God, but He's in control overall, Which is Good, but He also dispenses any wisdom or revelation we have......these is a such a case)
so just thinking, while laying bed, last week, i decided I am going to be MY OWN CENTRAL BANK....that might, at first blush, seem stupid, but just hear me. You see these poor folks in Cyprus, lining up outside ATMS for a LIMITED amount of PAPER fiat...money, right?....THEY had trusted an institution, that betrayed that trust....a bank...or the banks, banking system, Central bankers....and now they have lost control of anything, totally at the mercy of forces and institutions, way beyond their power.
So, i look at their situation, and derive a lesson from that, and came to an enormous revelation.start thinking of myself, and family up here, LIKE A NATION....(and i'm NOT talking that 'sovereign citizen" stuff, that, imho, is just asking to be banged)
Remember how we all said to each other, "we gotta keep an amount of cash around in case of any contingency"..? remember?
as Chairman of the "CBON" (Central bank of.....neil...LOL) i'm of the opinion that holding PAPER fiat will not be the policy of this bank, the currency reserves held will be in the lowly nickel, specifically $100 face value boxes of fifty rolls, $2 each, a 75/25 cupro-nickel coin which has maintained instrinsic value, based on 2012 revenues, CBON current holdings equal approx 1.5% of yearly revenues. With that in mind, CBON will endeavor to take this figure of currency holdings up to 4-5% of yearly revenues by the end of 3rd quarter 2013, and a target of increasing said currency holdings by 1% very quarter, until debasement....at which time, new currency accumulations will be 2%, every quarter, laymens terms.......at that time, i get bricks of nickels to rip open every one of those fifty $2 rolls to dig out the "old" 75/25 nickels, and return the "new" debased nickel, until it appears this effort is just a waste of time.
Since CBON PM holdings equal over 120% of yearly revenue, attention will be paid to taking the amount of short term debt, which equals 22% of yearly revenues, said debt accumululated to purchase PM holdings, and by the end of 4th quarter 2013 taking this figure down to 10% of yearly revenue...with the aim of short term debt being 0% of yearly revenues by 2nd to 3rd quarter 2014, while maintaining PM holdings at the current levels, such % levels can be confidently be assumed in real dollar terms, to possibly increase to 160 to 220% of yearly revenues. Held currency reserves should equal at the very least 6% of yearly revenues at the end of FY2013.
based on these projections, the CBON projects for the end of FY2013
PM holdings----120% plus of YR
Short Term debt-----10% of YR
Currency reserves----6% of YR
defense spending will remain flat in FY2013. Agriculture spending will increase to 2% of 2013 yearly revenues, which includes the new sheep fold and livestock, plus a new greenhouse. Expenditures will be offset by the end of FY2013.
You see?......be your "Central Bank"....its a liberating feeling...just give it a try!
most fondly yours, neil Chairman, CBON (laughing!)