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Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In Gold

PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:36 pm
by Cent1225

At the above link are the following articles on the fall of gold and silver and who is behind it.

Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In Gold
Today a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury told King World News that the smash in gold and silver today was entirely orchestrated by the Federal Reserve. Former Assistant of the US Treasury, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, also warned KWN that stocks of available physical gold are “rapidly declining.”

Maguire - There Is Absolutely No Physical Gold For Sale
On the heels of a cascade of selling in gold and silver, today whistleblower Andrew Maguire spoke with King World News about the extraordinary intervention which took place in both of these markets. Maguire also told KWN about the staggering amount of physical gold tonnage that Eastern central banks were attempting to buy today alone, in a market that, remarkably, is not seeing any supply.

Maguire - Over 500 Tons Of Paper Gold Sold In Takedown
Whistleblower Andrew Maguire told King World News that more than a stunning 500 tons of paper gold has been sold in today’s takedown in the gold market. Maguire also spoke to KWN about the staggering Chinese physical gold purchases. Below is what Maguire had to say in this remarkable and exclusive interview.


Re: Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In

PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:56 pm
by beauanderos
yeah, I saw these... I go over there ( to feel better on days that I have become dispirited. Nothing like a dose of wishful thinking to cure the blues :lol:

thanks for posting the link :thumbup:

Re: Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In

PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:18 pm
by 68Camaro
Thanks for the link - interesting comments.

Re: Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In

PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:21 pm
by barrytrot
Saying that the government and/or former government control these events is like telling me the sky is blue.

Of course they do.

Re: Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In

PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:26 pm
by 68Camaro
What's interesting (to me) is the continued reinforcement of the belief that whoever is doing this is playing into the hands of the Chinese, as the Chinese seem to be (as they should) simply backing up the truck and buying gold by the hundreds of tons at a discounted price.

Re: Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In

PostPosted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:06 pm
by barrytrot
I would bet any amount of money/silver/Bitcoins that the Chinese are DEFINITELY benefiting from all this.

Re: Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:16 am
by beauanderos
68Camaro wrote:What's interesting (to me) is the continued reinforcement of the belief that whoever is doing this is playing into the hands of the Chinese, as the Chinese seem to be (as they should) simply backing up the truck and buying gold by the hundreds of tons at a discounted price.

They're smart enough to have learned how the game is played. A part of me wonders if they (the Chinese Central Bank) aren't jumping on the plunges and pushing the price even further down, then buying the physical at bottoms as the bullion banks fill their shorts. What is indisputable is that they are buying tons of gold... and we're (TPTB) just making it even simpler for this transfer of wealth from West to East that will ultimately be the ruination of American life as we once knew it.

Get ready for lots of Chinese upper management in all the industries that they will own a decade from now. Learn Mandarin before they begin teaching it in school... when the mass migration of immigrants (although they will refer to them as emigres, as they will by then now own the country) flood into a pristine (relative to their homeland) uncrowded environment. 700 to 800 million Chinese "invading" our shores, displacing our populace. They will be the new bosses (they who own the gold make the rules) and a mere decade or more in our future... we will wistfully recall "the good ole days"... when WE weren't the minorities. :shock: :? :sick:

Re: Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:58 am
by rexmerdinus
beauanderos wrote:
68Camaro wrote:What's interesting (to me) is the continued reinforcement of the belief that whoever is doing this is playing into the hands of the Chinese, as the Chinese seem to be (as they should) simply backing up the truck and buying gold by the hundreds of tons at a discounted price.

They're smart enough to have learned how the game is played. A part of me wonders if they (the Chinese Central Bank) aren't jumping on the plunges and pushing the price even further down, then buying the physical at bottoms as the bullion banks fill their shorts. What is indisputable is that they are buying tons of gold... and we're (TPTB) just making it even simpler for this transfer of wealth from West to East that will ultimately be the ruination of American life as we once knew it.

Get ready for lots of Chinese upper management in all the industries that they will own a decade from now. Learn Mandarin before they begin teaching it in school... when the mass migration of immigrants (although they will refer to them as emigres, as they will by then now own the country) flood into a pristine (relative to their homeland) uncrowded environment. 700 to 800 million Chinese "invading" our shores, displacing our populace. They will be the new bosses (they who own the gold make the rules) and a mere decade or more in our future... we will wistfully recall "the good ole days"... when WE weren't the minorities. :shock: :? :sick:

Spooky. Definitely possible, but still spooky.

I wonder if the Chinese ever talk about old American proverbs like "may you live in interesting times."

Re: Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:46 am
by jacer333
Ray-just wanted you to know I was having a very nice, relaxing weekend until reading that. :o

Re: Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:30 am
by barrytrot
I agree with your statement Ray although I think the time frame is probably more like 20 years.

Re: Former US Treasury Official - Fed Orchestrated Smash In

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:28 am
by beauanderos
barrytrot wrote:I agree with your statement Ray although I think the time frame is probably more like 20 years.

let's hope you're right, Barry. Thirty years would be even better :shifty:

and heck, here in California, for Caucasians, the latter part has already come true. From wikipedia: As of 2011, California has the largest minority population in the United States. Non-Hispanic whites decreased from about 76.3 - 78 % of the state's population in 1970 to 39.7% in 2011. While the population of minorities accounts for 100.7 million of 300 million U.S. residents, 20% of the national total live in California. New Mexico and Texas have higher percentages of Latinos, but California has the highest total number of Latinos of any U.S. state. Only Hawaii has a higher Asian American percentage than California.

When/if my sobering projection bears fruit... it won't be the only thing ripening. Just imagine when the Chinese curb against bearing more than one offspring is lifted for all who are willing to relocate to the Chinese States of America? :?

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