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I guess they prefer Cash?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:13 pm
by beauanderos

Dealer's Limit? That's all you can spend on a credit card? That's a far cry from purchasing $1000 face bag, and I'll just bet the premium rises significantly on smaller lot sizes... if they even have any on hand :roll:

Re: I guess they prefer Cash?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:45 pm
by Robarons
Never heard of that site- looks bit 'flimsy'

Are they trustworthy? Can you using their pricing against Tulving/Apmex/Provident?

Re: I guess they prefer Cash?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:49 pm
by pennypicker
NONE of the coin shops that I have visited in central and southern Oregon accept credit cards on bullion--its strickly cash & carry! :x

Re: I guess they prefer Cash?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:57 pm
by natsb88
I limited credit card orders to $1500 earlier this year. I'm dealing with $9k in bogus chargebacks. CC company sides with the buyer 99% of the time and I'm left to pursue the bums through the police, small claims, etc. Even though I have all the documentation to prove what was ordered, what was shipped, and who/where it was delivered, it's a giant timesuck and if they don't have any money or assets, there's nothing to recover. Online PM dealers have become targets for scammers. They get the goods and take them to a dealer or pawnshop or whatever and trade them in for cash right away, then report the transaction as unauthorized. :x

Re: I guess they prefer Cash?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:58 pm
by SilverDragon72
natsb88 wrote:I limited credit card orders to $1500 earlier this year. I'm dealing with $9k in bogus chargebacks. CC company sides with the buyer 99% of the time and I'm left to pursue the bums through the police, small claims, etc. Even though I have all the documentation to prove what was ordered, what was shipped, and who/where it was delivered, it's a giant timesuck and if they don't have any money or assets, there's nothing to recover. Online PM dealers have become targets for scammers. They get the goods and take them to a dealer or pawnshop or whatever and trade them in for cash right away, then report the transaction as unauthorized. :x

That sucks! :evil: