I predict silver will go up in price

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I predict silver will go up in price

Postby JerrySpringer » Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:25 pm

It is simple. I have no funds to buy with right now. So, that means as I scrimp and save, silver will go up in price by the time I have some extra $$. I can only hope it will go down further in price ( sorry people) later on so I can get more ounces per the dollar amount. Guess I will keep an eye on Silvertowne one ounce special and see how that goes for DCA'ing.
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Re: I predict silver will go up in price

Postby CLINT-THE-GREAT » Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:48 pm

I too believe it will go back up, but as a someone who is in it for the long run, it doesn't matter if it goes up. I will buy at $23/oz or $34/oz But I know how you feel, just wish we could have been more "prepared" with extra FRN's to buy on the dip.

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Re: I predict silver will go up in price

Postby mflugher » Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:14 am

I was prepared, I coudln't find any US govt issued bullion/junk at a price lower than what it was at $25/oz... silver price went down premium went up to compensate. Sorry Im not paying 25% over spot...

(I don't stack private mints)
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Re: I predict silver will go up in price

Postby TwoPenniesEarned » Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:48 am

Sunshine Mint 1 Oz bars have a nice security feature in the back that hasn't been ripped off yet and are selling for reasonable premiums. The lowest price I could find at the bottom of the drop was for $26/ounce (CDN). I picked some up out of principal. I really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and remove every cent of cash I could from my various accounts...so now my emergency cash stash is all gone. But I had to participate!
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