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What kind of magnet? (the fugazi situation)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:43 am
by neilgin1
Brethern, gang,

continuing the chinese fugazi situation discussion....i noticed that part of detection process is use of a magnet, right?

so if a magnet picks up a coin, its NOT a 90%, 40% or an ASE?

without seeming that stupid, what kind of magnet do i get....and where?.....

the only game in town is the wal marts 20 miles away...and they didnt have anything, except for some goofy arts and crafts stuff.

you all know the size of a good sharpening stone, right?...would it be that size, like 2" by 5"?...brand names?

and finally, is that the seminal test? ....besides of course, assaying?

(Nate,,,Nate......write the book, write the booooooook!!! lol)

i'm UP at 0200 in the morning!!...drinking navy tar coffee, and i want to check EVERY single coin i got,,,,i'm 95% certain i'm good with everything, but still.....well have a good day ya' you know up here, we have not had one day above 60 degrees...i'm not whining, but not one tree has budded out yet.

Prediction...mark my words, we will break all previous corn, beans and wheat crop size records this, so corn trades in Dec at 4.00-4.40...beans....ah, 11.00 to 12.00....wheat.....6.50'ish to 8......maybe cattle down to 110.00


Re: What kind of magnet? (the fugazi situation)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:24 am
by Engineer
Neodymium magnets. Big ones, huge, with the highest Nxx number you can find. It would be nice to have 40-50.

In reality, you can probably get by fine with one of Nate's magnets. He has some made with the strongest grade of neodymium I've seen, and they're press fit into an aluminum housing with a keyring.

You can find them here:

Silver shouldn't stick to a magnet at all. It does, however respond to a strong magnet moving past it. This video shows how a coin will slow down a magnet, or a magnet will slow down a coin.

You can do the same test by swinging one of Nate's magnets by the key ring. Note that this test isn't completely foolproof because copper and lead are also dielectric (the physical property that stops the magnet from swinging), but it's to a lesser extent. With a little practice, you'll learn how each type of coin and material should react.

Re: What kind of magnet? (the fugazi situation)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:45 am
by 68Camaro
Thanks for the reminder - just ordered some for myself and friends. :)

Re: What kind of magnet? (the fugazi situation)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:29 am
by neilgin1
Engineer wrote:Neodymium magnets. Big ones, huge, with the highest Nxx number you can find. It would be nice to have 40-50.

In reality, you can probably get by fine with one of Nate's magnets. He has some made with the strongest grade of neodymium I've seen, and they're press fit into an aluminum housing with a keyring.

You can find them here:

Silver shouldn't stick to a magnet at all. It does, however respond to a strong magnet moving past it. This video shows how a coin will slow down a magnet, or a magnet will slow down a coin.

You can do the same test by swinging one of Nate's magnets by the key ring. Note that this test isn't completely foolproof because copper and lead are also dielectric (the physical property that stops the magnet from swinging), but it's to a lesser extent. With a little practice, you'll learn how each type of coin and material should react.

SWEET! you're the best! along with the kind folks (Nate) at The Cave.....i gotta figure what else to buy....i want to buy something more from the bru Nate, help support our Crew (yo)....we gotta "Crew"...its always GOOD to be part of a Crew....and you probably think i'm joking...i'm NOT. Our tendency is form into groupings, tribes, or minded individuals bonding together, been going on for tens of thousands of years.....the 'lone wolf"?....dies.

anyway, what else do i want from The Cave, maybe one of those cool hand poured bars of copper.......seriously, thank you Engineer, neil

Re: What kind of magnet? (the fugazi situation)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:31 am
by Engineer
neilgin1 wrote:anyway, what else do i want from The Cave, maybe one of those cool hand poured bars of copper.......seriously, thank you Engineer, neil

You're welcome. If you don't have a good scale, the type he carries is pretty good.

Re: What kind of magnet? (the fugazi situation)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:50 am
by neilgin1
Engineer wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:anyway, what else do i want from The Cave, maybe one of those cool hand poured bars of copper.......seriously, thank you Engineer, neil

You're welcome. If you don't have a good scale, the type he carries is pretty good.

Ohhhhhh...good, good, good...thats why two minds are always better than one...i got me a digital, but i want to see if i can get an old skool bar and beam.....(isnt that what you call them?)

late breaking news!! my son and i been on the phone, he's in school, Berkeley, west coast...and we been watching streaming TV over the phone, dissecting this boston thing, and the lad opined, from the photos that these two guys were Chechens....and just now, Al-Jazeera reported that they ARE Chechens...called him back, told him he's a great "op", and i wanna buy him a present...know what the kid asked for?.........for me to make him waffles....thats MY boy!!!...."why didnt he ask for silver?' you might say.....he KNOWS this stack is HIS...he KNOWS that....being a father has been the best thing i've ever done in my life.

lemme go place my order with the Nate.

Re: What kind of magnet? (the fugazi situation)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:51 am
by IdahoCopper
Bust open some old hard drives. They have good magnets.

Re: What kind of magnet? (the fugazi situation)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:27 am
by MrIncredible
I built my magnet slide last night and it worked perfectly. I went with the N52 grade magnets and glued them down to a piece of wood using contact cement. ... =BX882-N52

I purchased a few fakes from China for testing purposes and there was a very obvious difference in the speed at which they moved down the slide (fakes moved much faster). None of my stack failed the slide test which was a big relief to me.