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These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:15 pm
by Catfish4u
Some things about these Boston terrorists do not add up. Why would they rob a convenience store within walking distance of the bomb sites? Police found their car unattended. Why would they carjack another car? Why not drive their own? If planning to rob a store why not drive several hundred miles away? Why stay in the area? Why not wait a few more days? Did they need money that bad? What did they need money for? Where did they get their money for the past ten years?

From the reports those guys seem to be very intelligent. What were there needs, motives, plans, etc.? Hmm........ I am not the sharpest tool in the shed but things just don't make sense....................

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:37 pm
by coincrazy
I'm with you on this. Esp having the hat backwards while the mission is ongoing?

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:03 pm
by 68Camaro
The facts will become more clear with time. On this one point, as I understand the latest this afternoon - they did NOT rob a convenience store - they hijacked at car at a convenience store. Stories get distorted with telling, and with incomplete facts.

I believe they ultimately wanted to be caught, and killed, but wanted to take out as many people as possible with as much publicity as possible. Why? That one is still unclear. But it will eventually come to light.

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:18 pm
by chris6084
68Camaro wrote:The facts will become more clear with time. On this one point, as I understand the latest this afternoon - they did NOT rob a convenience store - they hijacked at car at a convenience store. Stories get distorted with telling, and with incomplete facts.

I believe they ultimately wanted to be caught, and killed, but wanted to take out as many people as possible with as much publicity as possible. Why? That one is still unclear. But it will eventually come to light.

Good point. They might have wanted to get caught. How many car chases have you heard of where the suspects are throwing grenades at the chasing officers? This may have been their plan to go out with a bang so to speak.

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:18 pm
by cesariojpn
If they were allegedly Muslim Sympathizers or fascinated by it, the "Suicide By cop" scenario might be a possibility.

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:45 pm
by pennypicker
Just because a criminal has a high intellectual level (i.e. attending medical school) this does not mean the criminal has good common or "street" sense. In fact most of the highly intelligent people I have met in life are either lacking or are severely lacking in common sense...

...most politicians fall into this group. ;)

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:57 pm
by Country
Chechnya Russians. Now what does the Russian Mafia do when you cross them? Dasvidania.... :|

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:53 pm
by baggerman
The question I would like to know is out of thousands and thousands of folks and there are other pics floating around of people with a back pack and then no back pack in later pics how did the feds single these guys out? What did the feds know in advance?

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:41 pm
by beauanderos
baggerman wrote:The question I would like to know is out of thousands and thousands of folks and there are other pics floating around of people with a back pack and then no back pack in later pics how did the feds single these guys out? What did the feds know in advance?

Expect other "newsworthy events" to follow, continuing to hold the public's rapt attention. It's what is occurring behind the scenes that they don't want you to focus upon. Radical change is about to be thrust upon us and they don't want to give you time to prepare. Do you realize what happened last week precious metals values plunged? Someone was counterparty to the derivatives bets that hedged against just such an event occurring. Major bank insolvencies (leading to bail-ins via unsecured depositor funds confiscation) are likely coming soon, with a possible domino effect of big banks taking down little banks following. Grab your cash while you can. Wouldn't be placing orders with long wait times with online dealers, as if the worst case scenario unfolds... they won't be able to source any silver without access to monies they no longer have, leading to complete supply chain disruption of silver and gold. Available supplies, once exhausted? That's all she wrote. System freezes. Fiat collapses. No way to protect yourself. It applies to everyone, little investors to online dealer's awaiting shipment of inventory. If you don't have it, you don't own it.

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:42 am
by TwoPenniesEarned
baggerman wrote:The question I would like to know is out of thousands and thousands of folks and there are other pics floating around of people with a back pack and then no back pack in later pics how did the feds single these guys out? What did the feds know in advance?

The FBI had a five year relationship with both brothers and "set them up" according to their mother in this interview. ... ocent-124/

Here is a CBS article confirming the FBI knew and interviewed then older brother two years ago. ... years-ago/

These FBI traitors have press conferences where they tell us not to pay attention to pictures of special forces guys with heavy backpacks at the blast sites and then later leaving the sites with no backpacks, and would have us believe that an admitted FBI asset did this alone? LOL! They think we are stupid fools! Remember Umar the Underwear Bomber?

This is a blown op. They intended to frame that idiotic looking redneck in the red shirt and blue jacket. They had already announced it was a "lone wolf" that was white. But then Anonymous published pictures of his handlers before the press conference. Remember how they did an about face on the arrested suspect and then evacuated the court house? A military van was seen leaving the courthouse out the back door. Poor idiot is probably dead now. We all know they wanted to blame it on white constitutionalists. It was all over the media. This is them scrambling to put together the next best lie....Muslims.

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:55 am
by theo
beauanderos wrote:Do you realize what happened last week precious metals values plunged? Someone was counterparty to the derivatives bets that hedged against just such an event occurring. Major bank insolvencies (leading to bail-ins via unsecured depositor funds confiscation) are likely coming soon, with a possible domino effect of big banks taking down little banks following. (

So you are saying that there is a large institution (AIG, Citibank etc) that held the opposite position on those derivatives will default leading to cascading bank failures? I would think that if a TBTF institution got caught up on the wrong side of last week's trades, it would quickly and quietly be made whole by the not-so-transparent Fed. I've also felt that one of the secondary goals of the PM smash was to financially harm the speculative longs. The rationale being that its difficult to buy PMs when you are looking for a bankruptcy lawyer.

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:27 am
by beauanderos
theo wrote:
beauanderos wrote:Do you realize what happened last week precious metals values plunged? Someone was counterparty to the derivatives bets that hedged against just such an event occurring. Major bank insolvencies (leading to bail-ins via unsecured depositor funds confiscation) are likely coming soon, with a possible domino effect of big banks taking down little banks following. (

So you are saying that there is a large institution (AIG, Citibank etc) that held the opposite position on those derivatives will default leading to cascading bank failures? I would think that if a TBTF institution got caught up on the wrong side of last week's trades, it would quickly and quietly be made whole by the not-so-transparent Fed. I've also felt that one of the secondary goals of the PM smash was to financially harm the speculative longs. The rationale being that its difficult to buy PMs when you are looking for a bankruptcy lawyer.

I'm not saying it even had to be a big bank... the snowballing effect of even a smaller bank spiraling into sudden unexpected insolvency could prove the catalyst for an avalanche of counter-parties all being pulled under, as they're all inextricably linked. I'm just thinking out loud, reading between the lines of several articles (ALL admittedly speculative in nature) that basically propose that a raid this big wouldn't have been conducted unless something greatly feared by them , of even grander proportion, wasn't headed down the pike and gathering steam as it neared impact. A piece entitled something like "What Does the Gold Smash Signal?" from a few days ago (if anyone remembers this, please post the link) displayed a chart showing how each time there was a concerted take-down, it seemed, coincidentally to serve as a clarion for some global event of significant disruption to the status quo. Just one of those gut feelings on this, I'm sure someone like Jim Willie will expand on this theme shortly.

I'm sure you're correct about harming longs. The damage wreaked upon the spot prices of all four metals during that two day maelstrom could require weeks to repair, the broken confidence itself is probably irreparable. Some traders who were undoubtedly wiped out had devastating losses visited upon them, and they won't be back for more. It's often remarked that you can be right about the trend, but wrong about the timing. Utilizing margin on precious metals bets is somewhat akin to a nerdy pimple-pocked faced freshman asking his cousin, the popular football quarterback, to intervene for him and ask out the head cheerleader. The kid knows what he wants, but doesn't understand the best way to go about getting it, and in the end he'll just wind up spending another weekend in front of a mirror, crying in frustration and loneliness, applying Noczema to his visible wounds as someone else escorts his girl to the dance.

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:12 am
by 68Camaro
The paper traders get wiped out in each of these but there will eventually be one of these smashes that is the last one - in the existing futures market - before the market gets rebuilt. Before it gets rebuilt it will have to crash. What we seem to be seeing is perverse to their apparent intention, which is increased confidence in the physical markets as people all over the world flock to the "fire sale" on precious metals. They seem to mean to steer investment away from PM, but its almost as though they've misunderstood the paper market for real physical and it is backfiring on them.

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:12 am
by 68Camaro
And... how quickly this thread got off topic..

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:46 am
by beauanderos
68Camaro wrote:The paper traders get wiped out in each of these but there will eventually be one of these smashes that is the last one - in the existing futures market - before the market gets rebuilt. Before it gets rebuilt it will have to crash. What we seem to be seeing is perverse to their apparent intention, which is increased confidence in the physical markets as people all over the world flock to the "fire sale" on precious metals. They seem to mean to steer investment away from PM, but its almost as though they've misunderstood the paper market for real physical and it is backfiring on them.

I agree with you, Rich... although there is a dichotomy at play here. I think that they were trying to deter purchases of physical precious metals AND renewed participation in the futures markets, thus limiting the rebound effect of the eventual price rise to one at a more sedate pace without so many longs playing a role. Perhaps they meant to continue filling short positions at a moderate clip, hoping to not have to fear a rapid stratospheric lift-off as their actions supplanted the role of those they eliminated from the market. I'm sure they felt that paper participation in the markets far outshadowed physical buying, and that by reducing paper competitors they could cap the price for a much longer time frame (say until late August) within a sustained channel which ostensibly would drift sideways (unless it met their objectives to trend even lower, induced by a repeat performance of what we just witnessed, though likely on a smaller scale).

What it seems as though they overlooked was the resources that many people, who have been waiting for a better entry point, could bring to bear. There is more than a modest amount of money that has been sidelined in the one percent of the people that were IN the physical side of accumulation. They lacked a clear understanding of the motivation that this price plunge would exact on those physical accumulators; stimulus to renew amassing even more real money. And the effect was intensified upon those within their sphere of influence, who have now joined them in stacking. The one percent just became 1.1%... 1.2%... 1.3%... and as the implications of the shortages that develop due to this resumption of interest in owning physical becomes apparent to a larger audience, those numbers will swell. What they have accomplished is to cement in the minds of those cognizant of their deeds that the practice of COMEX-set prices is fallacious, and they have increased the velocity of divergence between that pricing methodology and the that of what people are willing to bid for immediate, "in-your-hand-when-you-walk-out-the-door" tangible silver and gold.

The execution of their plan was implemented to perfection, and it did not backfire. It accomplished their inferred goal of washing out the weak margin-called paper hands. What they didn't count on was the result; swift reprisal (or just smart timing) of the small cadre of investors who know what real money is in a world awash with false currencies.

It is the physical depletion of silver and gold that will eventually thwart their continued manipulations of the markets... as there aren't enough hedge funds in the world to stand against the limitless funds of The FED backed bullion banks who have covert government sanction to perform their criminal role in this act.

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:23 pm
by Catfish4u
beauanderos wrote:I'm not saying it even had to be a big bank... the snowballing effect of even a smaller bank spiraling into sudden unexpected insolvency could prove the catalyst for an avalanche of counter-parties all being pulled under, as they're all inextricably linked.

Could it not be a bank at all? Could it be mutual funds and the biggest banks are just robbing our 401k's and pension funds?

Re: These terrorists just don't seem to make sense?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:18 pm
by cesariojpn
This Thread.
