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How Different Would Life Be?

Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:21 pm
by beauanderos
Okay, here's the scenario. Overnight TPTB have declared that Gold has been revalued at $8000 an ounce and silver at $500. I've heard those numbers tossed around, and personally find them conservative. Remember, this scenario is a revaluation... not an orderly or disorderly parabolic spike occuring over months or weeks. Let's say the world around you has not changed (yet) despite the reset.
Alright, so how would your life change? Some of you have instantly become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams, others feel they can now retire for the rest of their lives and follow pursuits that allow personal happiness. What steps would you take, or begin to take, following such a dramatic change in our stacking world? I know that I would immediately dribble off enough to become debt-free, might invest in (pay off) a local fortress and a foreign one, and then simply purchase some things (a new car or truck) that I've been denying myself these past years of enforced delayed gratification for fear of opportunity cost. I personally think that you'd be wise to play it like some of those MegaLotto multimillion dollar winners who don't immediately claim their prize, but instead analyze all the angles with the assistance of tax attorneys... and then quietly implement them to minimize negative life-altering circumstances in their lives. Think every relative you never knew you had, and friends/acquaintances approaching you with tear jerk tales pleading for largesse. Think unwanted scrutiny by tabloids, paparazzi, and numerous dark gov't entities. Think pending legislative tax law changes were this to occur.
How do you feel such an event would affect you, and what actions would you take? Wouldn't it take a lot of intestinal fortitude to not cash out immediately, feeling you could buy back in lower?
What would you do? "Good things" don't always produce positive change... be prepared.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:29 pm
by Thogey
I would charter a G5, fly to Ca., ride a Rolls Royce Limo to your house.
Then I would overpay for a paper bag full of fresh dog crap, light it on fire, put it on your door step and ring the doorbell.
Every other experience from that point on would be gravy!
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:38 pm
by Catfish4u
I would sell 25% of my stack and rush to catch the flight with Eric!!!
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:47 pm
by OneBiteAtATime
Curse and spit about not waking up soon enough. Quietly take an inventory of what I have. Sell a bit to add to preps.
Go back to work.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:53 pm
by Klark Cent
who would be buying the gold and/or silver from us? the government?
or is that not the point of the thread?
also, has anything like this ever happened somewhere before?
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:11 pm
by beauanderos
Klark Cent wrote:who would be buying the gold and/or silver from us?
Raises another interesting point, doesn't it? Who will you be selling to? How many could afford the higher prices? Sell face to face? Barter? Security precautions? Would new state/federal legislation require you to provide identity when selling to a coin shop?
As far as your other question, there are likely history buffs who can answer that question better than me (revaluation of gold and silver). There HAVE been numerous instances of hyperinflation throughout history, but again, that would be gradual. I'm talking about the chat on the net by various analysts that the "end game" of central banks and TPTB is to grab as much of the global wealth as possible before revaluing those ounces and tons to a level MUCH higher than they are at present. I think everyone has fantasies of what they could afford if their wise investments suddenly paid off handsomely, but consider what other repercussions sudden wealth might introduce to your life. Would coin shops become the new target for Ocean's Eleven type high profile crime?
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:46 pm
by Engineer
I'd expect the dollar to implode, and would barter PMs for a house and land outside of town.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:51 pm
by scyther
I might buy myself a used car and a few nice dinners. My stack's not very big.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:03 am
by cooyon
I would take 1 oz of silver to my bank and exchange it for 5 boxes of nickels...if I was still below the radar, I would keep doing that for a while, probably buy a lot of loaves of bread before they were $50 each. I would expect TPTB to not let any little guys like me realize a windfall profit, so trying to keep everything on the down low would be the priority.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:47 am
by wheeler_dealer
Guess I would get up and go to work as I lost my booty in the shipwreck. Might have to call my old friend Ray to see if he could spare a silver dime for a "happy meal". Wish I would have listened and bought some silver.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:08 am
by neilgin1
What would you do? "Good things" don't always produce positive change... be prepared
absolutely nothing different at all, sans 3 phone calls, retire the note on the ranch, with one phone call, and with one more phone call, purchase 2000 feet of razor wire, and 5 pair of Kevlar gloves, third phone call, set up a sit down with some Amish, to trade for 6 head of horse, and two WAGONS...not buggies...contract them to build the wooden horse pasture fence as well.
that's all...well, maybe make a pitcher of lemonade, to pour over some ice, spark the grill, throw on some rib eyes, and set a pot of rice a going.
and of course, fight the urge to get manically "happy"...getting "happy" like THAT is the genesis of ALL folly.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:16 am
by NHsorter
I would cash out my paper silver and pay off my house. With any leftover cash, I might be able to get a box or two of .22 ammo.

Sell off 7 rolls of slicks and buy a solar setup. Keep working until "lockdown" prevents me from leaving my home. Haha. Who really knows. Silver jumps to $500 overnight I think we have a lot of things to be concerned with. And no one has the foresight to tell you with certainty what those changes will be exactly.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:13 pm
by silverflake
Land. I would trade some in and buy land. Buy land, they ain't making any more of it. (Was that Will Rogers who said that?)
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:37 pm
by Copper Catcher
beauanderos wrote:Okay, here's the scenario. Overnight TPTB have declared that Gold has been revalued at $8000 an ounce and silver at $500.
Alright, so how would your life change?
How do you feel such an event would affect you, and what actions would you take? Wouldn't it take a lot of intestinal fortitude to not cash out immediately, feeling you could buy back in lower?
What would you do? "Good things" don't always produce positive change... be prepared.
To start...

First, I'd call my buddy William Devaine and go horseback riding.
Next, I'd guess that if silver was $500 a ounce then a loaf of bread might be at least $20 and gas $10 a gallon: "It's all relative" Why cash out? There is no reason too...unless things really change.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:08 pm
by pennypicker
I would buy a small bungalow on the Oregon coast overlooking the Pacific ocean, hang wind chimes & the American flag on my porch, buy a nice '50s era reproduction bicycle with whitewall tires and sell my car so I won't be hostage to foreign oil companies and domestic insurance companies, eat only organic food, listen to '60s folk music, jog every morning on the beach, watch episodes of "Leave it to Beaver" & "The Andy Griffith Show", find and marry a beautiful Oregon "nympho" who is both organic & orgasmic, and enjoy a long, healthy, unstressful rest of my life pretending I'm back in the 1950's & '60s.......

Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:55 pm
by Treetop
I would do more of all the same things Im doing anyway. Which is continue to build and add to my homestead and eventual commercial orchards. If there was an influx of cash I might go about ordering hundreds of different fruits and berry varieties. I already have a large collection although a few died this last winter. But Id love to add many more including wilder and alternative fruits. If your a fruit or berry lover who has little or now experience with a wide range of trees youd likely be shocked at the wide range of flavors and textures. some of the pears for instance taste little like the pears most would think of, problem is they bruise easily and youll simply never find them in a store or even the vast bulk of farmers markets.
I might also try to trade my house with this guy down the road. Give him my house and the full value of his.... Older fellow can barely walk. His daughter lives across the road from me. Hes got 8 acres up the road though with the only spring that isnt on one of the massive ranches. that would be a great place to own. I doubt he would trade, but I might try if conditions were ripe for it.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:05 pm
by BamaJoe
Well if the purchasing power held in a swap into other currencies then BamaJoe would be sitting on the porch of his seaside bungalow in the PI watching the pretty girls play in the water.
Re: How Different Would Life Be?

Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:06 am
by johnbrickner
Build the terra-crete home in the highlands of Panama where the temperature fluctuates about 10 degrees in either direction give or take. The technology goes back to at least the 1930s at the university level. Perhaps further ... =1up;seq=1 .
Permaculture the local acerage with all the verities of fruit & nut trees that can be grown and are to numerous to list here. couple of ponds for multi-level integrated agri-aquaculture and other activities .
Go virtually self-sufficient with water, food, shelter, clothing, energy and spread it out thru the community from there.
Set up shop with local indigenous peoples using our spinning wheels and looms. Dye plants for the fiber are gown as part of the system. Specialize in Guanaco and Vicuna fiber clothing (think 1920s gangster type trench coats) .
Visit BamaJoe often and provide the San Miguel. ... 518301@N00The possibilities are endless.