
right now, i'm about as heart sick as a fella can get, I kid you not. rather than just whine and blither, after the TON of sh@t I been reading over the weekend, i'm just going to post up a very concise op-ed from sgt report that Mark Mann penned, and ONE video clip from Boston, that says EVERYTHING that needs to said....then i'm saying nothing else on this tragedy that is JUST beginning:
The Boston Bombing Event and its Impact on America
by Mark S. Mann,
Hello Friends,
Over the last 6 days, events have unfolded so quickly in Boston that it has been difficult to keep up with everything. I attempted to write something twice, but by the time I completed an article, things were moving so fast the material was already out dated. SGT will confirm that my initial analysis of the bombing was “spot on”.
There are already many theories about what did, or did not take place during the actual bombing and the events that transpired in the days after. The purpose of this article is NOT to discuss the already surfaced theories and numerous disturbing anomalies which contradict the “official story” as told by “the powers that be”. People have been asking me to comment on various theories that are swirling around about who, what, when and why. Just like everyone else, I have my own opinions. The most common question has been “Was this a false flag?” My answer to this question is the same as my answer to the Sandy Hook event: “Things just don’t add up”.
The one thing I have learned in my 40 years on this planet is that ANY “official story” as provided by OUR CRIMINAL Government, is usually just that: a “story”, cooked like a recipe which has many different ingredients. The ingredients of these “Official stories” are usually the same: one part actual truth, part distortion and manipulation of actual facts, part out-right lies, and part propaganda. Many people have eaten this recipe so many times, they know what goes into the recipe by memory, and they can actually taste the finished product before it is out of the oven, before it is sitting on a plate. I suspect if you are reading this, you are one of those people.
I am not concerned with proving or disproving any of the troubling facts and anomalies of this event. I do have my own questions about various facts and circumstances. However, I am much more concerned with the impact of this event on YOU, and OUR freedoms and civil liberties as American citizens.
My main concern is the fact that Boston, the 21st largest city in America, was completely and totally shutdown for almost 24 hours because of a manhunt for one person. Citizens of Boston were ordered to stay at home, and stay indoors till further notice. Mass transit (busses, trains, bridges, ect) were completely shut down. Businesses, schools, hospitals, and public events were shut down or cancelled. Basically, the streets of Boston were a ghost town. Citizens of this area were told to “Shelter in Place” by the authorities.
I don’t know about you, but in my opinion this was BEYOND Martial Law. I have lived under martial law a few times in my life for various reasons. During most scenarios when martial law is declared, citizens are allowed to be out in public, out on the street, from sun up to sun down. This was clearly not the case here, and this is a MAJOR issue for me as a citizen of the United States, as a police officer, and as a truth teller. This suspension of civil liberties in the Boston area was to my knowledge, unprecedented in US history. Two punks, a 19 year old, and a 26 year old were able to bring the 21st largest city in America to its knees with pistols and homemade bombs. Does anyone see the problem with this? I do!
This America! We don’t run, we don’t hide, and we don’t cower! We don’t shutdown our cities, or cease our way of life because two little [fluffy kittens] decide they want to cause problems! These are issues that citizens of other parts of the world are forced to deal with on an almost daily basis. Are these people tougher than Americans? Are they better equipped than America? I ask you: What kind of message does this send to other future potential terrorists? Has the American policy towards terror become: “We don’t negotiate with terrorists: but we will let them shut us down”?
Have you heard any of the Sheep in Boston complaining about the fact that they were put in this position? Yet people are running around puffing their chests with “Boston Strong”? David Ortiz from the Red Socks was quoted as saying “This is our F-ing city!” Well buddy, yesterday it was not your city. Yesterday, all you sheep were told to stay in your cage till further notice, and “Shelter in Place”.
Official media sources have repeatedly stated that “Thousands” of police officers have been mobilized to assist in the manhunt. I am sure this was 100% correct. The Chris Dorner manhunt earlier this year was supposed to be the largest manhunt in US history. I don’t remember what equates to BEYOND martial law being declared in Los Angeles during that time. Do you? When the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was bombed in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, including 19 children, was the entire city put under what equates to BEYOND martial law? I was a little over a mile and a half from the World Trade Center on 9/11. I saw the second plane hit in real time from that distance. There was NO martial law declared after more than 3,000 American were killed in one day, the worst attack on America since Pearl Harbor.
Since when do we need “thousands” of police: Local, State, and Federal officers, clad in body armor carrying military style weapons, mobilized in armored vehicles, helicopters, and a mass suspension of civil liberties to hunt down a 19 year old kid? This is a DISGRACE!
In my opinion, the manhunt which followed the marathon bombing was used to test the public’s reaction to being placed under controls, or another term being used by authorities:“LOCKDOWN”. As you can see, there was not even so much as a whimper from the sheep in Boston about being told to stay in their cages. This was all about gauging people’s acceptance towards “giving up some of our freedoms in exchange for safety”. Does anyone know where the term “lockdown” originates from? It is a term used for PRISONS and JAILS! Lockdown: The confinement of prison inmates to their cells as a security measure following a disturbance in the prison. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like terminology used for prison inmates being applied to me. Do we live in a prison? I don’t think so.
So if you ask: “What would the government’s response to a WMD scenario look like?” What about civil un-rest due to a financial or banking crisis? In my opinion, you have just seen the model: Boston – “Shelter in Place”. No one goes out, no one comes in. No one goes anywhere. Stay in your home. Stay indoors regardless of your needs or issues. Basically, nobody moves, nobody gets hurt!
In another issue regarding to civil liberties in this case, I am hearing that the 19 year old suspect, who I understand is a naturalized American citizen, is Not Being Read His Miranda Rights. I understand that he is being declared an “enemy combatant” and that the US Government is going to test out all of the new exceptions to the traditional rules of Miranda which have been created over the last several years. Out of anger towards the suspect, many people may not care about this. I am not a lawyer. However, I believe this sets a very dangerous precedent.
Inclosing, I do want to say that the longer this case goes without an official time line of events and a credible motive, the more suspicious of the story I become. At this point, I am more concerned with 2 issues: 1.) The overly heavy handed response to homemade bombs by our Government resulting in beyond martial law conditions, and 2.) the lack of any realization by the people of Boston that they were placed under what equated to beyond martial law without any visible objections.
For those of you wondering just how quickly a large, urban city can be brought under tight control, it is now a matter of factual historical record. You may want to revise you bug out, or bug in strategy accordingly based on this event. It will be interesting to see how this story develops.
Best Wishes & Stay Safe!
Mark S Mann
http://sgtreport.com/2013/04/the-boston ... ore-168890
Shock Footage - Warrantless House-to-House Raids In Boston
The Boston Bombing Event and its Impact on America
by Mark S. Mann,
Hello Friends,
Over the last 6 days, events have unfolded so quickly in Boston that it has been difficult to keep up with everything. I attempted to write something twice, but by the time I completed an article, things were moving so fast the material was already out dated. SGT will confirm that my initial analysis of the bombing was “spot on”.
There are already many theories about what did, or did not take place during the actual bombing and the events that transpired in the days after. The purpose of this article is NOT to discuss the already surfaced theories and numerous disturbing anomalies which contradict the “official story” as told by “the powers that be”. People have been asking me to comment on various theories that are swirling around about who, what, when and why. Just like everyone else, I have my own opinions. The most common question has been “Was this a false flag?” My answer to this question is the same as my answer to the Sandy Hook event: “Things just don’t add up”.
The one thing I have learned in my 40 years on this planet is that ANY “official story” as provided by OUR CRIMINAL Government, is usually just that: a “story”, cooked like a recipe which has many different ingredients. The ingredients of these “Official stories” are usually the same: one part actual truth, part distortion and manipulation of actual facts, part out-right lies, and part propaganda. Many people have eaten this recipe so many times, they know what goes into the recipe by memory, and they can actually taste the finished product before it is out of the oven, before it is sitting on a plate. I suspect if you are reading this, you are one of those people.
I am not concerned with proving or disproving any of the troubling facts and anomalies of this event. I do have my own questions about various facts and circumstances. However, I am much more concerned with the impact of this event on YOU, and OUR freedoms and civil liberties as American citizens.
My main concern is the fact that Boston, the 21st largest city in America, was completely and totally shutdown for almost 24 hours because of a manhunt for one person. Citizens of Boston were ordered to stay at home, and stay indoors till further notice. Mass transit (busses, trains, bridges, ect) were completely shut down. Businesses, schools, hospitals, and public events were shut down or cancelled. Basically, the streets of Boston were a ghost town. Citizens of this area were told to “Shelter in Place” by the authorities.
I don’t know about you, but in my opinion this was BEYOND Martial Law. I have lived under martial law a few times in my life for various reasons. During most scenarios when martial law is declared, citizens are allowed to be out in public, out on the street, from sun up to sun down. This was clearly not the case here, and this is a MAJOR issue for me as a citizen of the United States, as a police officer, and as a truth teller. This suspension of civil liberties in the Boston area was to my knowledge, unprecedented in US history. Two punks, a 19 year old, and a 26 year old were able to bring the 21st largest city in America to its knees with pistols and homemade bombs. Does anyone see the problem with this? I do!
This America! We don’t run, we don’t hide, and we don’t cower! We don’t shutdown our cities, or cease our way of life because two little [fluffy kittens] decide they want to cause problems! These are issues that citizens of other parts of the world are forced to deal with on an almost daily basis. Are these people tougher than Americans? Are they better equipped than America? I ask you: What kind of message does this send to other future potential terrorists? Has the American policy towards terror become: “We don’t negotiate with terrorists: but we will let them shut us down”?
Have you heard any of the Sheep in Boston complaining about the fact that they were put in this position? Yet people are running around puffing their chests with “Boston Strong”? David Ortiz from the Red Socks was quoted as saying “This is our F-ing city!” Well buddy, yesterday it was not your city. Yesterday, all you sheep were told to stay in your cage till further notice, and “Shelter in Place”.
Official media sources have repeatedly stated that “Thousands” of police officers have been mobilized to assist in the manhunt. I am sure this was 100% correct. The Chris Dorner manhunt earlier this year was supposed to be the largest manhunt in US history. I don’t remember what equates to BEYOND martial law being declared in Los Angeles during that time. Do you? When the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was bombed in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, including 19 children, was the entire city put under what equates to BEYOND martial law? I was a little over a mile and a half from the World Trade Center on 9/11. I saw the second plane hit in real time from that distance. There was NO martial law declared after more than 3,000 American were killed in one day, the worst attack on America since Pearl Harbor.
Since when do we need “thousands” of police: Local, State, and Federal officers, clad in body armor carrying military style weapons, mobilized in armored vehicles, helicopters, and a mass suspension of civil liberties to hunt down a 19 year old kid? This is a DISGRACE!
In my opinion, the manhunt which followed the marathon bombing was used to test the public’s reaction to being placed under controls, or another term being used by authorities:“LOCKDOWN”. As you can see, there was not even so much as a whimper from the sheep in Boston about being told to stay in their cages. This was all about gauging people’s acceptance towards “giving up some of our freedoms in exchange for safety”. Does anyone know where the term “lockdown” originates from? It is a term used for PRISONS and JAILS! Lockdown: The confinement of prison inmates to their cells as a security measure following a disturbance in the prison. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like terminology used for prison inmates being applied to me. Do we live in a prison? I don’t think so.
So if you ask: “What would the government’s response to a WMD scenario look like?” What about civil un-rest due to a financial or banking crisis? In my opinion, you have just seen the model: Boston – “Shelter in Place”. No one goes out, no one comes in. No one goes anywhere. Stay in your home. Stay indoors regardless of your needs or issues. Basically, nobody moves, nobody gets hurt!
In another issue regarding to civil liberties in this case, I am hearing that the 19 year old suspect, who I understand is a naturalized American citizen, is Not Being Read His Miranda Rights. I understand that he is being declared an “enemy combatant” and that the US Government is going to test out all of the new exceptions to the traditional rules of Miranda which have been created over the last several years. Out of anger towards the suspect, many people may not care about this. I am not a lawyer. However, I believe this sets a very dangerous precedent.
Inclosing, I do want to say that the longer this case goes without an official time line of events and a credible motive, the more suspicious of the story I become. At this point, I am more concerned with 2 issues: 1.) The overly heavy handed response to homemade bombs by our Government resulting in beyond martial law conditions, and 2.) the lack of any realization by the people of Boston that they were placed under what equated to beyond martial law without any visible objections.
For those of you wondering just how quickly a large, urban city can be brought under tight control, it is now a matter of factual historical record. You may want to revise you bug out, or bug in strategy accordingly based on this event. It will be interesting to see how this story develops.
Best Wishes & Stay Safe!
Mark S Mann
http://sgtreport.com/2013/04/the-boston ... ore-168890
Shock Footage - Warrantless House-to-House Raids In Boston